Workplace Improvement In America Essay

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Workplace Improvement in America
In America there are four different social groups, and these groups are the lower class, working class, middle class, and the upper class. Around 40% of Americans fall into the category of “working class”. This class is identified as “the social group consisting of people who are employed for wages, especially in manual or industrial work.” Current President Donald Trump's campaign appealed to the working class. He made claims to “Make America Great Again” and improve the lives of those who are in the working class. There is a plethora of opportunities and options that could greatly improve the lives of the workers in America, yet through strategies like improving job training and allowing more competition …show more content…

The most beneficial would most definitely include allowing employers to create competition through allowing transferable benefits from job to job, and more efficient and updated job training. Moreover, other options include making it easier for blue-collar workers find jobs. Currently, there are systems like “LinkedIn” that help those with college educations and higher levels of education to find work, yet this leaves other individuals in the dust. This ends up discouraging them from working and ultimately makes it harder for both the employee and the employer to benefit and make money. If there was a system for blue-collar and similar workers to find jobs, then unemployment rates and empty job rates would essentially be eliminated. In addition to this method encouraging independent workers and self-employers would greatly benefit them. Making it easier for those workers to function and make profit would encourage more people to become independent workers or “their own boss”. A riskier option would be to decrease the reliability of a company, and this would mean to allow them to have more flexibility in employment through mediums such as health insurance and legal reliability. While it would allow the company to benefit it could potentially put the worker at risk, yet if you paired it with a different type of protection for worker it could be a major benefit to both employee and employer. While