Workplace Observation Paper

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For this assignment where were ask to observe the employee structure of a restaurant, store, hotel, etc., and point out the difference the position levels of each employee. When there are jobs, there is hidden structure throughout the work place. It can be either based on gender, race, experience, and/or education. On a daily basis, we do not notice the structure because we do not take the time out to see it. For my assignment I decided I to look the employee structure of a hotel. I currently went to Mexico and stayed at a resort for a few days, there I was able to observe my surroundings and gather information about the hotel employee structure. While staying at the resort you can see that the types of jobs that were even being either …show more content…

Through the reading it has shared that the education and well being of ones parents and grandparents, would impact where a person will be within their life. The more education or experience a person’s parents have, the more likely one is to have higher chances to achieve and be able to move up within companies. That is because they are more likely to achieve higher for themselves through more education and …show more content…

Within the chapter it has stated that women feel as if they have to conform to the men around them in order to prevail in the career. Interviewee, Hazel O’Leary has stated that in order to fit in with some of her coworkers and other CEOs she felt as if she had to learn their sport of interest in order to be a part of major decisions. Women in a work place most do more and beyond just to be seen or heard. When men automatic have the chances to be heard and accounted for. This reading was able to show the struggle of the female race. It is not easy landing a job whether or not you have the same exact work qualities as a