World Council Poem

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We are dead. There is no escape. We have betrayed the World Council. The elders will sentence us to death, no doubt soon, they may even be on their way now. They will break down the doors and drag us by our limbs to the palace. Here, the towering figures of old will cry out to to the heavens, “Traitor! Villain! Criminal! May your skin melt from your bones, may your bones crush to pieces, may the beasts of the earth snarl and gnash their teeth for your young flesh!” We would try to run, but the guards are giants with broad shoulders and muscular legs. We’d be pummeled and our legs would no doubt be broken. We’d be dragged off the marble tiles by our heels, attempting desperately to cling to something to detach ourselves from the mighty clamps, but there would be nothing there. …show more content…

The guards would then stop in the middle of that field and unholster their maces and flails. Then we’d be turned around, our back facing them. They would count to ten, then strike. We had ten seconds for a final farewell. The last things our eyes would see would be the sun setting over the vast landscape of brown, toiled material, creating a blood red sky with black clouds splotching the troposphere: Doomsday. We’d shut our eyes to push the image out of our heads. But that wouldn’t work; the blunt instrument would get their first, making the end of life a literal