We’ve all been somewhat educated on world hunger and extreme poverty, but how informed are we exactly? It is enormously vital for people to be cultured on how intense world hunger and poverty is globally. Many folks don’t realize it, but we’re all affected by it whether we recognize it or not. Even if we don’t identify how much it affects us and the people around us, we should be at least making an effort to become knowledgeable about it one way or another. It’s tremendously significant as to why it should be a top priority to know the accurate facts that are brought with this issue. Intense starvation and poverty is a worldwide problem and not just an individual problem because it economically affects others as well as themselves, it also sheds some light on what is in fact going on in the world rather than what is hidden from society, and lastly diseases are more susceptible to spread worldwide if this continues. …show more content…
It could easily be argued that many people live their everyday lives unaffected by the fact that there is extreme famine and homelessness in the world. It could be said the statistic of 995,000,000 people suffering from extreme hunger could be counteracted by stating that 5,970,000,000 people are not, which is a much larger number by far ("Hunger by Numbers" 27). Therefore stating they should not have to worry about the people dealing with this issue since they are "not a part of it", or so they think. They could state that it is not there business therefore they do not have to worry about it, which is something many people would actually argue. To counteract the fact that approximately “44 million people are pushed into poverty and malnutrition since June 2010. That’s nearly equal to the population of Spain.” but you could say that 6.921 billion were not, which is again, a much larger ratio then present opposite the argument ("Hunger by Numbers"