World Religion Essay

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World Religion – Hinduism & Christianity
Christian Beliefs
The Death and Resurrection of Jesus
The Gospels claim that three days after being crucified by Roman authority, Jesus was raised from the dead. This incident confirms Jesus' deity and serves as evidence of God's ongoing presence in the world for Christians. According to Christians, Jesus' resurrection is evidence that He is both the Son of God and the Christ (Messiah). Both his words and deeds were true. They also think that because of the resurrection, Jesus is still with us and still leading us today. The Father's clear indication that Jesus is the mighty Son of God who has vanquished death and is now reigning as Lord of all is the purpose of resurrection.
The Holy Trinity …show more content…

Salvation is defined as being saved from sin. Jews around the time of Jesus thought that following the 613 laws that God gave Moses in the Torah would result in salvation. You can achieve salvation by turning from your sins and having faith in Jesus. This entails turning from sin (repentance) and toward God (faith), putting one's faith in Jesus Christ. Jesus will cleanse you of your sins and put you on the road to eternal life. The purpose of salvation is to proclaim the good news of God's grace and to serve as Christ's hands and feet in this world, demonstrating God's love by our …show more content…

It transcends all other arthas. By overcoming ignorance and cravings, it is accomplished. In that overcoming craving also entails overcoming the desire for moksha itself, it is paradoxical. It can be reached both in this life and after death. It has two stages, Jivanmukti which is the liberation that is achieved in this life and Videhamukti which is liberation that is after death. In moksha the soul is freed from the samsara, moksha has different ways to be attained. One of the ways is by trying to detaching yourself from desires, anger, fear and frustration. All a person needs to do is free themselves from the worlds negativity and to receive true knowledge of atma (soul) and brahmand

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