Essay On Comparative Religion

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Comparative Religion Project

Comparative religion is a form of study in theology that seeks to explore a deeper understanding of religions. The knowledge of other religions and beliefs will provide the foundation needed to interpret the behaviors and tendencies of others. In fact, in studying different religions it is frequent to discover that other religions are more similar to that of the researcher than ever anticipated. This comparative religion project will evaluate the similarities and differences of world religions within different topics such as beliefs and rituals. The world religions discussed include Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, and Hinduism. The fundamental foundation to any world religion is to understand their belief …show more content…

These beliefs include the concepts of Brahman and Atman, Maya, karma, samsara, and moksha. Brahman refers to the cosmic power present in the Vedic sacrifice and chants over which the priest had control (81). Atman is more accurately translated to mean “deepest self” or to understand the meaning and worth of ones soul on the deepest level. Maya is usually translated as illusion, meaning that the way that we interpret and understand the world is not in actuality the way that it is. Karma is the moral law of cause and effect and it believed in karma that every action has a consequence associated with that action whether it is good or bad. Samsara meaning “wheel of life” refers to the fact that life is a constant circle of rebirth and that the world is forever changing given by a balance of pain and suffering. Moksha refers to freedom and liberation and comes from the root that means to be released. It rebukes the concepts of selfishness and reaches towards enlightenment and kindness (85). There are three gods central to Hinduism known as the Trimurti. These gods consist of Brahma (god of creation), Vishnu (the god of preservation), and Shiva (the god of destruction) (Gstohl

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