World Religion Essay

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it is necessary to share you that I am offering to you a reflection - a short sermon - or what is often called a homily –about World Communion Sunday.

Each Year, on this Sunday of the Year, with many of the rest of the world's Christians we celebrate Jesus and what he did for us, for all of us - in every corner of the world. Today we celebrate, with our brothers and sisters around the world the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper.

In some places it will be called "The Eucharist" - in others it will be called "Communion" - in others it will be called "The Love Feast", in still others it will be called, "The Table of the Lord" or "The Lord's Supper", John Wesley the founder of the Methodist movement sometimes called it “The Food for the Journey” …show more content…

Richard J. Fairchild wrote that “Indeed, there will be differences, some of them quite profound, in how our brothers and sisters around the world view the sacrament. Some traditions will welcome only those persons who have made a public profession of their faith to the table, while others will welcome very young children, even babies to the table. Some will insist that each person must belong to the denomination and the community where the sacrament is being observed - others will have a table open to "all those who love the Lord and desire to walk in his path". As you know our church practice the open …show more content…

The church around the world today is a family. We are the family of God - a family formed by our common desire to follow Christ Jesus, who is both our brother and our Lord.

We are the people of God, called together and given life, through Christ
Jesus our Lord. How do we commune today? Where is our community with God and one another? God is with us, Christ is with us - and with all our brothers and sisters who call on his name today.

We can see them now - all around the world - eating and drinking what God has provided and each praying, that God's will be done here on earth as it is in heaven; - that it be done here in our midst as his people - and here within our individual lives as his unique and precious

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