World War 1 Effects On America Essay

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What effects did World War I have on life in the United States?

World War I was an impetus for change in America. It forced the government to make drastic policy changes to adapt to the new wartime environment. It also caused changes in America’s economic landscape as well causing Americans to think differently about day-to-day life; however, some Americans saw the war as an outlet to fuel racist beliefs

World War I was the impetus for many changes in government policy. The government took a proactive role in disseminating information to the public to shed a positive light on America’s involvement in the war. The government also created laws that stymied war dissenters and banned Americans citizens from taking actions that the legislator deemed unpatriotic, such as supporting communism or anarchism. The APL (American Protective League) formed to track down and prosecute those who did not follow this new regiment. Most states enforced laws that banned the teaching of foreign language in schools to further the Americanization agenda.

In addition to providing much-needed jobs, WWI sparked changes in the …show more content…

It split American citizenry into harshly opposing camps, each relating with either the Central (Germany, Austria, Hungary and the Ottoman Empire) or Allied (Britain, France, Russia and Japan) forces depending the citizens’ homeland. The war opened the door for Progressive thinkers to reform the country, bolster national morale and improve living conditions for United States citizens. It also drove race reformers to consider, and use, militant actions to send the message that they will no longer accept treatment as second class citizens. Government involvement in the private lives of citizens and businesses became present via the Selective Service Act and the War Industries Board. At the same time, American citizens began to question whether sacrificing their rights was a fair trade for national