Write An Essay On Alzheimer's

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Alzheimer’s is a disease that can affect your memory and you mentally along with, some of your physical activity. Alzheimer’s is a disease that affects the person that gets this disorder and the people surrounding that person. Around 5 million Americans have had to deal with Alzheimer’s in America today. Along with those 5 million the number is still continuing to increase. Alzheimer’s is the 6th leading cause of death in the United States. When diagnosed with Alzheimer’s the possibilities of your physical and mental health can be anything from starting off with not any change or even many with rapid changes.
Alzheimer’s is continuing to increase with the many people getting diagnosed with this disorder. I think one of the main causes of that is because …show more content…

This illness will over time will contract your muscles and basically make them weak during different stages. With Alzheimer’s diseases there is 7 different stages. Each stage will bring something new along with it weather it is physical or mental. Usually during the first couple of stages the person diagnosed will usually be given a cane or walker because of the muscles starting to get rigid and weak. With the muscles beginning to get rigid and weak they begin to loose physical activity that they used to be able to do and can be given a wheel chair if needed or towards the end most every person is bed-bound. Bed-bound definition is “restricted to bed” (https://www.merriam-webster.com/medical/bedbound . For many of us today we would think being bed bound would be awesome, but that not the case. The patients of Alzheimer’s that get bed-bound don’t have any strength and the muscles are no longer able to function. The physical state people enter in when diagnosed with Alzheimer’s will completely change the life of that patient and many others around that patient that has to help out that person that is