Written By The Illuminati Mla Citation

455 Words2 Pages

Imagine that the following paragraph was written by the Illuminati.

We have been exposed by the world. Our group was meant to be secret but because of our nosy global citizens, we have now decided to reveal our identity and document some of our plans. We, the wealthiest group on earth brought Alceda. We caused the 9/11 terror. We killed President Reagan, with the help of CIA. Apple company was created to make sure the progress of brainwashing people will be faster by the Apple products. Caesar , the member of Illuminati, was the first one to try to conquer the world. But he failed. Napoleon tried it again, but failed once again. Hitler failed again. Those are only the taste of the things that we have done. Now, on year 2020, we will create …show more content…

How does this make you feel? If there wasn’t the first paragraph, then how would you feel? You were reading this whole essay imagining that this essay was written by Illuminati. You would have faced the second paragraph differently if there was no first paragraph. You must have felt some stress while reading the second paragraph. Knowing something that is scary changes the perspective of a paragraph. Even though the second paragraph was scary, if would not have been that scary if you did not imagined that the essay was written by the Illuminati.

Knowing that something is a good thing, or most of the time it is a good thing. But sometimes, things can be much better to not know what is coming up. A recently released movie, Interstellar, was a big hit in Korea. In the movie, the main character goes into a mission that was known to be impossible. But this information was not given to the main character. If the main character knew about this, then he would not have gone. And later on, when he finds out that this mission was impossible, he was stressed about everything. This movie clearly shows a perfect example that knowledge could be a