Freemasonry Essays

  • How Did Freemasonry Travel To America

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    Jeff Liao U.S. History Ms. Frankie Tsui June 17 2015 Masonic America Secret societies have long been considered as mysterious and esoteric. One of those are the Freemasons, also know as the masons. The Freemasons have been accused of anti-Christianity and conspiracies for hundreds of years. In its early stage, the Masons started from Europe. In ancient Europe, the Church had control over the continent. The role that the Masons played was relatively radical and liberal because they had an own set

  • Freemason Research Paper

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    Trey Klinger Mrs. Doak English III Level II 5 December 2016 What Is Freemasonry? The origins of Freemasonry date all the way back to the Middle Ages. Although nobody knows for sure when the fraternity of Freemasonry began, a widely accepted theory among Masonic scholars and historians is that the Masonic society was formed by a group of stone masons who built cathedrals and castles during the Middle Ages, many of these architectural works still exist to this day. The language and symbols used in

  • Is The Founding Father Of Modern Freemasons

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    “biblical book of Kings” and it describes that the builders of this ancient temple became the first stonemasons and they are the founding fathers of modern Freemasons (Ridley, 2013). However, Freemasonry didn’t reach America until the 1700s when it was introduced from London. The introduction of Freemasonry can be traced back to London in 1717 were the first Grand Lodge was finished in London by that year. Although its introduction in America only occurred by the 1730s, its growth was pretty slow

  • Freemasons Research Paper

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    Are Freemasons a satanic cult? Freemasons are members of a brotherhood society that promote the belief in God and brotherhood. "The terms Freemason and Mason are interchangeable, as are Freemasonry and Masonry. The word is thought to refer originally to "freestone mason," skilled craftsmen who carved freestone (a soft, easily carved stone).' (Morris, pg. 4) The major objective of Masonry is personal growth in self-control, spiritual development, and self-discovery in men. Masons are taught common

  • What Are The Branches Of The Freemasons

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    History of the Freemasons Although their legends trace their lineage back to biblical times, the real history of the Freemasons begins with the operative stone masons of the middle ages, the builders of the great cathedrals and castles of Europe. In this time period the stone masons jealously guarded the secrets of their trade, developing secret handshakes and passwords to identify with fellow members of the craft. Stone masons were often viewed as a sort of magician because of their abilities in

  • Written By The Illuminati Mla Citation

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    Imagine that the following paragraph was written by the Illuminati. We have been exposed by the world. Our group was meant to be secret but because of our nosy global citizens, we have now decided to reveal our identity and document some of our plans. We, the wealthiest group on earth brought Alceda. We caused the 9/11 terror. We killed President Reagan, with the help of CIA. Apple company was created to make sure the progress of brainwashing people will be faster by the Apple products. Caesar

  • Research Paper On Illuminati Vs Freemasons

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    history, two famous and major groups have been clashing back and forth with each other, the Illuminati and the Freemasons. Is this true, or is it a cover up? As stated by Carl Claudy, a famous journalist and writer, in his book “Introduction to Freemasonry”, "Cut through the outer shell and find a meaning; cut through that meaning and find another; under it, if you dig deep enough, you may find a third, a fourth -- who

  • The Metaphysical Secret: The Law Of Attraction

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    during my seven-year tenure in the fraternity of Freemasonry. Most people view the Masons as a secret society, and quite frankly it is. Now that I am no longer involved with the fraternity, I can say the secret of Freemasonry is the Kabbalistic study of esoteric teachings meant to explain the relationship of the nature of the universe and the human being, the nature and purpose of existence, as well as other philosophical questions. The purpose of Freemasonry was the betterment of one’s self through the

  • The Illuminati: Conspiracy Theories

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    secret symbols, and the belief that they control governments and the entertainment industry. Conspiracy theories thrive on cryptic symbols and covert visual signs. The ‘Eye of Providence’ an eye set within a triangle is a symbol associated with Freemasonry but also linked with the Illuminati. The Eye of Providence is a lightning rod for conspiracy theorists because it is very much hidden in plain sight. Not only does it appear on countless churches and Masonic buildings worldwide, but it also features

  • Illuminati Research Papers

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    The Freemasons are a fraternity like group designed to teach morality and ethics, and train good men to make themselves of service to themselves, their families, and their communities (McKeown, 1). The nature of Freemasonry is not to be a religion of any shape, size, or form, in fact it teaches its members to be very active and loyal to the faith in which they choose to be a part of. The Rosicrucians are a christian organization, that is, perhaps, more secretive than

  • Royal Arch Tracing Board Analysis

    900 Words  | 4 Pages

    As I tackled the second in this series of tracing boards, I took the time to appreciate something is probably pretty obvious, but often overlooked – how similar, and yet how different, these two boards are. This is to be expected when the same artist created both pieces, but the composition of each varies greatly, while still remaining stylistic resonant. In the Royal Arch tracing board we view a scene that many Masons are familiar with – a Lodge room, arranged with symbolic tools and banners. It

  • Freemasonry Is Wrong Essay

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    believe what they say is a fact. For example, when I say Freemasonry people instantly connect it with the notorious but infamous Illuminate and, their oh so scheme to rule the world with total domination, in which society knows it as, “The New World Order”. Now let’s slow down the tracks their,we will get to it, but first let’s take baby steps as to understanding what Freemasonry is, and a quick crash course of its history. Freemasonry, according

  • Illuminati Research Paper

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    The Illuminati can be classified as Bavarian Illuminati and contemporary Illuminati. Bavarian Illuminati was an underground society in Bavaria, Germany; it was founded by Adam Weishaupt in 1776. Bavarian Illuminati’s history and information are public, and it can be found easily on the internet. The contemporary Illuminati is known as a secret society which allegedly controls most of the governments; their objective is to establish a New World Order by running an one world government. In contrast

  • Informative Essay On Triple Six

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    Another interesting focus from you, Phagan! First, I appreciate you researching a culture that have been highly associated with devil worshiping. When you mentioned, “The all-seeing eye symbol, that is located on the back of the dollar bill, is known to mean that the Illuminati sees all (2016). The eye is floating at the top of an unfinished pyramid, which can be translated, to mean that the Illuminati is at the top and everyone else is at the bottom. Triple six is another symbol to represent the

  • Montresor And Fortunato's Death In The Raven By Edgar Allan Poe

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    A slow and painful death could have been avoided, if only the clues had been seen by the victim. As Montresor and Fortunato continue to make their way through the catacombs under Montresor 's house foreshadowing is built. Fortunato’s death is foreshadowed in the story when they drink wine in the cellar, when they talk about being masons, and when they get to the interior crypt. The different clues to the future show a lot throughout the short story, though much of it appears during their time drinking

  • Symbology Of Brotherhood

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    differences. Freemasonry teaches many important lessons among which are temperance, fortitude, prudence, and justice as well as brotherly love, relief and truth. The degrees of Freemasonry seek to teach those lessons through allegorical stories whereby a candidate will progress. The most widely recognized emblems according to both McNaulty (1991) and E.Roberts(1974) are: Order of the Eastern Star Emblem MacNulty is sure that The Order of the Eastern Star is an appendant body within Freemasonry. Members

  • Wirt Dbq

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    After leaving his position as Attorney General, Wirt settled in Baltimore, Maryland. He became a candidate for President in 1832, nominated by the Anti-Masonic party. This party held the first ever national nominating convention in the U.S history on September 11, 1830 in Philadelphia establishing the tradition. The date was chosen to commemorate the fourth anniversary of the Morgan Affair. However, no candidate was agreed upon. The actual nomination occurred a year later during the second convention

  • Templars Pros And Cons

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    Templar would have trusted an atheist brother’s oaths to protect his life. Once again, the tenets of Freemasonry seem to be relevant as a Freemason believes in a “Supreme Being” but is not allowed to discuss his beliefs or persuade others of it. Worshipping anyone other than the Christian God or worshipping through anyone but the Pope would have been heresy at the time so the Old Charges of Freemasonry are relevant. The Charge says that “no Mason should reveal the secrets of a brother that may deprive

  • George Washington Founding Father

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    This occurred slightly before Washington became involved with the American Revolution War and the foundation of the United States. “After the war, Freemasonry remained important to Washington, as evidenced by its prominent role in his first presidential inauguration on April 30, 1789. In taking the oath of office, Washington used the Bible of the St. John's Masonic Lodge No. 1 of New York” (George Washington’s

  • Inaccuracies In The Declaration Of Independence

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    reality, Carroll was a Catholic and Catholics were not permitted to join the Freemasons because “the Catholic Church banned – and still bans – Freemasonry in a bull promulgated by Pope Clement XII in 1738” (Sefton D. Temkin, Abraham Fellman). Freemasons were members of a secret society which cultivated a tradition of doctrines and symbols. The deism of Freemasonry contrasted Church doctrines and conservative Protestants and Jews believed the rituals of Freemasons contradicted their religious beliefs (Sefton