Xacc/280 Week 4 Building Assessment System

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Comparisons on Scoring Systems
This section will focus on the point systems of the selected four building assessment systems. The point structures of these systems will be discussed and compared in the end.
Starting from the BREEAM building assessment system; this system as many other building assessment systems use a single point system for each credit in the related assessment category. Since the weightings of the assessment categories changes, the points gained from the categories that has high available points is very crucial for the owner to get an accredited certification from BREEAM. The unequally distributed points between assessment categories are one of the major disadvantages of BREEAM when compared with the scoring systems of other systems.
CASBEE, different from other building assessment systems, uses a different approach to this single point scoring system. Each category of CASBEE has the same total 3 available maximum points and the point of each credit related to …show more content…

CASBEE has the highest number of assessment categories that concentrated on more technical issues with respect to sustainable design. BREEAM and GreenStar systems follow CASBEE in this sense that they have significant number of assessment categories, too. At the first glimpse, the number of assessment categories of LEED could draw a conclusion that LEED is not sufficient enough to assess the selected building’s performance in terms of sustainable design; but when analyzed deeply by looking at all the separate assessment categories and credits of the four building assessment systems, it is seen that the assessment categories of LEED is a combination of the major sustainable criterions that is represented in six assessment categories. The assessment categories of LEED are summarized versions of all the assessment categories of the other building assessment systems mentioned in the