Yasuaki Yamashita Research Paper

393 Words2 Pages
Yasuaki Yamashita A bomb fell on Nagasaki on August 9th, 1945 while Yasuaki Yamashita was 6 years old, his family lived in a Japanese wooden style house.On normal days he would go to the mountains with his friends and catch bugs such as dragonflies.The day the bomb went off, he decided to stay home and play and his mother was preparing for a mid-day meal when the bomb went off. Precisely 11:02 there was simutaneous flashes as is mother pushed him to the ground to save him.Next thing he knew it was really and silent as building and other structures fell around and atop of them.His sister who was in another part of the house was found by Yasuaki and his mother and they found glass in the back of her head and a man outside