Year 11 Christian Life Camp Essay

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Can Year 11 Christian Life Camp, I learned about Communion and I learned how to make the bread and grape juice. I learned about the real meaning of communion and what communion means to Christians.
What is Communion, Communion is defined as “the act of receiving the Eucharistic elements” from (, 2017), is this is saying communion is the act of receiving Eucharist is basically the Lord’s supper or holy communion, the other definition of communion is “the service of Christian worship at which bread and wine are consecrated and shared”.
So the communion has two elements the bread and the wine which is substituted with grape juice. What does the bread represent, the bread represents the body of Jesus Christ which was broken, the bread is the bread of life which is Jesus …show more content…

During the morning and evening devotions and we had worship I felt like the holy spirit and my heart felt free and when we were praying I felt like I was shaking and my body was hovering, my head was going up and down. I really felt like the holy spirit was with me every time I prayed.
I learned that there are people who are very spiritual and people who just don’t care but I believe that the whole group had fun and we all felt something in our hearts. I believe that everyone wants to go back to camp because we had fun and we all felt something.
I have also learned that my faith in God has grown a lot and that I know what God wants me to do and that I feel like the Holy Spirit is with me at every step and he with me. I have learned that there have been dreams that were from God and I didn’t respond to it or I didn’t tell anyone when God probably wanted me to tell someone but I didn’t, so go forward now, all dreams that I have I will write it down and pray about it so God will reveal more to me about what I am supposed to do with