Christina Karger Theological Statement 2024

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Christina Karger Theological Statement February 28th, 2024. Theology is what keeps us centered on the doctrine of our ancestors, amidst a constantly changing culture and the shifting sands of worldly doctrine. What I will briefly cover over the next few pages is what I believe will stand as true of God and His teachings within our relationship to Him and His people. Where I will start is the source of theology, the sola scriptura. We learned this term means that scripture is the sole source for theology and the Christian life. The majority of the Reformation position believes scripture is the main authoritative source for theology. This belief is one I also take on because when we start from scripture rather than from experience, reason, or …show more content…

This leads to the full doctrinal statement of, “We are saved by grace, through faith.” Christ’s sacrifice and gift of union with Him fills our hearts with His love, and we cannot help but participate in His work and care for His people around us. This seed of His righteousness grows within us, however, does not mean upward “growth” as we might think. To follow Christ does not look like ascending, but descending. As we go deeper into who Christ really is, we find that He also is asking us to take up our cross just like Him. This is what Paul desired as he plumbed the depths of Christ, “I want to know Christ and the power of his resurrection and the sharing of his sufferings by becoming like him in his death, if somehow I may attain the resurrection of the dead” (Philippians 3:10). In the book of Acts, the disciples begin to plant and teach the first churches. This idea was God’s idea, and it was the first act of clearly welcoming everyone in that thought they were on the outside because of their background or genealogy. Christ’s invitation of love for all was earth-shaking: “Welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you” (Romans 15:7). We learned there are four ways the Church bears witness to the goodness and love of Christ. The first mark is unity, for this oneness bears …show more content…

Lastly, a apostolicity of the. This comes from the apostles and their witness to the truth and authority of scripture we can find sound doctrine in. What I do think is central to the Gospel life are the sacraments— just as much as spiritual community. A sacrament is a visible sign of spiritual grace (212) and the Lord meets us through these tangible signs. In baptism, we feel and see the water. In communion, we feast and practice the steps of receiving His free gift of grace for us all over again. We are what we love, and our love can become disordered so easily. These sacraments offer us human beings with our 5 senses, a rehearsing of the Gospel amidst confusing and chaotic cultures and socializing. Christ longs to connect with us in every way possible, and we get the grace of these never-changing sacraments to taste His goodness again as people with a body and soul. If we are able to “Taste and see that the Lord is good” (Psalm 34:8). every week at a table of fellowship together- what could possibly be better than that? This is what will keep our theology Gospel-centered and untainted. We can be empowered in the faithfulness of His love and the beauty of His people, knowing the

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