Yosemite National Park: A Short Story

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Alright grandkids I’m going to begin telling you the story now. It started when I was only twenty years old. I was eager to get out of my home town in Nevada. Ma thought I was old enough to venture away from them so I decided to move to California. Almost a month later I finally got settled into my cabin that was somewhat away from the big city of Los Angeles. I became fascinated with the environment. One day I was reading the newspaper and I saw there was a job opening for the Yosemite National Park. My eyes lit up with excitement and I immediately started to pack my bags. A few moments later I realized that I had saved three hundred dollars from my move, which was an average amount back in the 1960’s. I was still on the fence about going, but then I realized that I should go for it. I hated my job in the office and I loved the outdoors so it would be perfect for me. My final decision was to risk everything and go. It ended up being one of the best decisions of my life.
I began my …show more content…

In 1864 President Abraham Lincoln signed a grant which made Yosemite an official National park. Also in 1903 the park was expanded because of a presidential field trip. Another thing that a learned from reading the books was that El Caption, a block of granite, was the largest granite block in the world. There is also a lot of land for a hiking trails. There is actually 840 miles of trails. These were some of the best facts that I learned for now at least. It was getting late, so I decided to go to sleep. The next morning I woke up at five o’clock in the morning so I could be early for my first day. When I got to work Carol told me what job I would do for the day. Today I get to tour people around which I was not mad about. I was assigned my first group and I was busy the rest of the day. My first day was done and I couldn’t be happier I had the best job in the world, according to my book.