Your Phone Could Ruin Your Life By Kristin Lewis Analysis

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In the article “ Your Phone Could Ruin Your Life” by Kristin Lewis she claims “ Your Phone Could Ruin Your Life”. She also claims “ While there are many benefits of modern technology, digital distraction can be harmful both mentally and physically”. In summary, technology is a privilege, but we are ruining this gift of technology. Indeed, there are many physical consequences of owning a device. Many accidents have occurred, in the text it states “ … the number of emergency-room visit for injuries related to walking while using a mobile device has tripled over the past decade. Indeed, you are four times more likely to get hit by a car if you walk and use your phone at the same time”(Lewis 9). This statement from the text states that accidents …show more content…

Technology is making us lonely, impatient, not bored, and making us lack concentration. Technology is making us lonely, sitting on your phone all day not talking to anyone just sitting alone, this is making you lonely. You need to talk to people, laugh, have fun that is what we should be doing but there is instagram instead. Is your phone making you impatient? You are at 64 and you need to get to 65 on tour game, so you tap your phone but you die. You immediately restart the game and play agian and agian. The text states “ The convenience of get-an-answer-to-anything-instantly technology can make us impatient. Ever been sitting with nothing to do, laying around with your mind spinning with crazy ideas that could possibly be the next hottest thing? Probably not, we have SnapChat to send funny pictures to friends.In the text it states “ Technology makes it harder for you to focus and get your work done. It’s crippling your creativity. With no brainstorming going on “ Who will write the next Hunger Games, or develop a life saving treatment for cancer, or invent a way to travel through outer space?(Lewis 8). In the text it says “ Isaac Newton figured out gravity while relaxing in his mom's garden and watching an apple far from a tree. Einstein's most famous theories are said to have come from a day dream he had about riding a sunbeam to the edge of the universe”(Lewis 8). So, if we are not dreaming, who