Youth Engagement Research Paper

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From the White House to the Capitol Building, to board rooms and city halls, young people are often left out of the decisions that most affect them. However, this lack of youth representation is not because it could cause harm to young people or the decision-making process. Throughout history, young people have been heavily involved in some of the most effective and necessary social movements - think the Civil Rights, women’s suffrage and anti-war movements of the 1960s. During this period, youth were engaged in enacting change through a variety of methods - from leading protests, starting free health clinics and working in settlement houses. When engaged, young people can play an integral role in making positive changes to their personal lives …show more content…

More so, this means the involvement of youth in planning and decision making that affects themselves and others. Studies suggest that the structure, culture and programming of schools, local governments and organizations is greatly strengthened when young people are engaged and involved - not just as consumers or beneficiaries, but as partners in development and decision making. Youth engagement is a cycle of communities contributing to the lives of its young people, and young people contributing to the future of their communities. There are many ways to effectively engage youth in community change and local civic processes. Some methods of youth engagement may work better in one community than others, but one of the benefits of youth engagement is the endless creativity and imagination of young people that assists in the development of unique ways for youth to be involved in their communities. Around the country, youth and adults are partnering to address challenges and engage young people in advocacy, entrepreneurship, and in community and organizational decision …show more content…

Across America, youth are disproportionately involved in and affected by many issues that plague our society, such as drugs, violence, poor education and poverty. However, effective youth engagement could lead to the decline of these issues, as well as their eventual eradication. Young people want and need to be engaged as leaders and changemakers in their schools, families, community, world and personal lives. Effective youth engagement promotes and encourages this, and develops the personal tools and knowledge to help youth become productive leaders in many