Yuengling Advertisement Analysis: Eagle Brewery

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The year is 1829 when David G. Yuengling moved from Germany to Pennsylvania and began his own brewery. At this time David Yuengling named his company Eagle Brewery. The name Eagle Brewery was kept until David’s son joined the business and then the company was officially changed to D.G. Yuengling and Son. This time in history was when many people emigrated to the United States for hopes of better opportunity and a more promising life. The company “identified with the qualities of strength and pride, symbolic of the American eagle,” (Beer History Online). In the late 1800s their beer was transported by horse-drawn carriages throughout the Pennsylvania region.
Advertising during the late 1800s was mainly sourced in newspapers and paper pamphlets. …show more content…

Look at the labels. Pure. Clean. Wholesome. Bottled at the Brewery,” (Yuengling Fan Online). Yuengling was very focused on how their customers viewed their beer, it seems that image was important to them as a company. Ethos is a persuasive strategy used by companies to create an appeal to credibility or character, and it seems that Yuengling was doing just that with this advertisement.
Yuengling’s use of the eagle in their logo is a use of patriotism, another persuasive technique used in advertising. This was an important part of Yuengling’s identity because the company was founded by a German immigrant who moved to the United States in search of a more prosperous life. I do not think he was the only person in the United States during this time who was in search of patriotism, many people post- Civil War era were looking to obtain a sense of nationalism as the country was mending itself back together.
Yuengling is still around today because they were able to reach their customers through the use of ethos and patriotic advertising. They always kept their advertisements and business transparent in the eyes of their customers, which made them gain a good reputation. This kept the American customer through the prohibition era and onward to become the oldest brewery in the United