Yupik Observation Report

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Name : Tekshia Innocent Class : Anthropology Date: 6/14/15 Our Universe The exhibit I chose was the Yupik. On the Yupik universe table in our universe it shows a design of a house called the Qasgiq. In the inside of the Qasgiq it had a window and a smoke hole, fire place , two sleeping bench and a summer passageway. I remember asking myself how does one sleep on a sleep bench; it didn 't look like they had much of a bed . It is used only in winters. The qasgiq or (men 's house)has symbolic value for the Yupik because it is the foundation of everything. Because there were no churches it was used as their place to worship. They have a similar lifestyle to christianity. They believ in loyalty and respecting each other. Similar to my

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