Yvelisse Influence On Children

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Yvelisse tries likes to bring in special toys for “show and tell” which she rarely lets anyone touch, play with, or look at. Based on what we have learned in this unit, I have noticed that for her age (3-6 years old), she often engages in limited constructive play while she simultaneously is considered to be in Parten’s third stage of play; solitary or independent. These are two examples of how this particular behavior could impact her in the classroom. In the first example, constructive play, children in her age range often play with toys as such as “play telephones, kitchen appliances and utensils, tool sets, medical kits, vehicles, dress-up clothes and, of course, baby dolls, as well as toy people and animals ("Play and Developmental …show more content…

This negatively impacts her in the classroom. For example, during playtime, unless we are participating in a group activity, she plays alone. Her favorite toys to play with are doll babies. I know that Yvelisse is currently an only child so at home she doesn’t really have anyone to play with; however, at school I want her to become comfortable in playing with all her classmates. Playing with other children is so important for a child’s overall socialization and development throughout their lives. In terms of how this can impact her in the classroom, how will she be able to make new friends and learn to healthily interact with other children and make it to stage 5 or 6 of play if she is always by herself? Another form of socialization that Yvelisse needs to improve in the classroom is letting other students have a turn at being center stage. Throughout the school day, Yvelisse will try as much as possible to take center stage in the classroom. For example, if the class is playing a game of “Simon Says,” Yvelisse feels as though she always has to be Simon. Another example could be when we are getting ready to do an art project; Yvelisse always wants to distribute crayons and construction paper to all her classmates by herself. I love that she is independent; a trait of an individualist, however, I need her to know that school can be a collaborative effort and that it takes a whole class to help better the climate of the classroom- one in which all students help to create and better overtime. These examples of Yvelisse’s socialization techniques flow in to the third and final point covered in this unit,