Zero: A Short Story

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High school can give you the toughest 4 years of your life. Just like most teenagers, I fell as a victim. It was the day before my chemistry final and I was stressed like never before. I was studying so much, I felt like my head could’ve exploded by the amount of information it contained. This test was going to be the death of me, I thought. Knowing that chemistry was one of my biggest weaknesses, I had a reason to freak out over this exam. It got to the point where I broke down and started tearing up in front of my parents due to the stress. It wasn’t until my mom had the idea of getting me a puppy to ease the nerve. For years I have always been asking for a puppy, having a little furry friend to cuddle with you. So she had figured that …show more content…

There were various of dogs, choosing one was going to be be difficult. I had already knew what kind of dog I was looking for but after seeing the look of all their faces, I wanted all of them! Finally, we came across this small one. It was a mutt, half schnauzer and half Chihuahua. I automatically fell in love with her. The shelter had already given a name to her, Tofu. I thought it fit well so I decided to stick with it. I wasn’t sure where Tofu came from but she wouldn’t stop shaking, she was scared of loud noises and people getting near her. I was worried but I was here to make everything better. After bringing her home, I let her get comfortable by getting to know the house. I had all the patience in the world for her so it was no problem for me. Still stressing over the test, I continued studying while keeping an eye on Tofu. I was waiting for her to get sleepy so she could get some rest from the trauma she had in her previous …show more content…

I carried her and put her on my lap to caress her. She was so light, if I wouldn’t have looked down every once in a while I probably would’ve forgotten she was there! Watching her sleep was so soothing, I wanted to doze off. Running my fingers through her soft furcoat was relaxing as well. At that moment, all my stress had went away. I was much more calm and I was aware that I wasn’t going to have another breakdown with her by my side. About two hours went by and she wakes up. Energized and more confident than she was before. I was happy to see her get used to me and her new home. She made me happy. Who knew that a little creature like her could change your mood in a matter of seconds? Aside from cuddling, I loved playing with her. It was a stress reliever to me. Some would prefer yoga, others would read a book. Mine’s hanging out with my pet. I should’ve gotten a puppy a long time ago if I would’ve known it would be this good for your mental