Zeus Commanded Cronus: The First Stone

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Once he reached an old enough age, Zeus Commanded Cronus to throw up “The first stone.” It was done at Pytho under the “glens of Parnassus” for a sign to the Omphalos, mortal men. Then Zeus’ siblings. Some stories told, Metis forced Cronus to take an emetic to discharge the Siblings. Another story told was that he cut Chronis’ stomach. After, Zeus released the Gigantes, the Hecatonchires, and the Cyclopes killing their own guard, Campe. The Cyclopes rewarded Zeus, giving him the lightning bolt. Zeus ruled over the Greek Olympian Pantheon, playing a major role. He was the father of many heroes. As a result, he was in many of their local cults. Even if the Zeus was the god of thunder and sky, he also ran the supreme court, he was the voice of