The Zodiac Killer had impacted the nation with these violent killings of five or more people in the year of 1969 resulting in the ongoing investigation of his identity. The Zodiac Killer brutally murder at least five people in 1969. His first killing took place on a road just outside of Benicia December 20th, 1969.The victims were David Arthur Faraday, age 17 and Betty Lou Jensen, age 16 both stabbed to death (Everything You Want To Know About The Zodiac Killer But Were Too Afraid To Google). Six months later, near Blue Rock Springs he shined a flashlight into the vehicle of Darlene Ferrin and Michael Mageau. Darlene was shot and killed while Michael survived despite his extensive wounds. Michael was able to give police a description of the Zodiac Killer (The Zodiac Killer). Bryan Hartnell and Cecelia Shepard where The Zodiac Killer’s next victims. They were picking down by Lake Berryessa in Napa California The killer unintentionally left Byan alive after repeatedly stabbing him ( The Zodiac Killer). He scratched out a message into the door of their car telling …show more content…
A writer, Lyndon Lafferty, claimed in 2014 that the Zodiac Killer was 91 years old and living in San Francisco (14 Chilling Facts About The Zodiac Killer). The Zodiac Killer actually claimed he took 37 murders to the press only 5 murders are confirmed. The Zodiac Killer sent the newspaper detailed drawings of bombs. The bombs were set for the year yet it was set for a year yet it was never set off or detonated anywhere. Security on buses was upped when he said that the bomb was to be on a bus filled children ( 14 Chilling Facts About The Zodiac Killer). The Zodiac Killer was witnessed during one of his killings by a savior of one his attacks. He was wearing a black hood that draped over him like an apron with the Zodiac symbol imprinted on the front. He also wore black sunglasses to conceal his eyes (14 Chilling Facts About The Zodiac