's And Don Ts For Motivating Your High-Ability Child Analysis

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Under Pressure Performance Task Dr.Siegel's “Do’s and Don'ts for Motivating your High-Ability Child” lists how parents should or should not help motivate their child. The criteria for how good a parenting style is, is dependent on how a child does in school. Dr. Siegel's parenting tips are bad because they give the child too much leniency and don’t advise parents to guide children through challenges. If parents are more lenient with their kids and do not punish them severely for not studying then the kids will think that their parents do not care and as a result they will get bad grades . In the documentary “2 Million Minutes”, an American student named Britney has lenient parents and she on many occasions does not study for tests. Also, when she does chose to study she does it with friends watching television in a really unproductive manner. Such behavior clearly suggests that studying and grades are not important to her. The way Britney treats studying as a social activity shows that her mindset revolves around …show more content…

In her essay,”Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior”, Amy Chua says,”If a Chinese child gets a B...The devastated Chinese mother would then get dozens, maybe hundreds of practice tests and work through them with her child for as long as it takes to get that grade up to an A.” The Chinese mother in this scenario helps her kid get through the challenge and without her help his grade may have remained a B. And if it was a mother who let her son try to solve the challenge on his own, he may have just given up thinking he could not raise his grade. Also kids will eventually learn to deal with challenges on their own if they are assisted by their parents because over time they will probably pick up on the problem-solving methods they’re parents employ and utilize them on their