Battle of the Granicus Essays

  • Battle Of The Granicus Essay

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    The Battle of the Granicus took place in 334 BCE in western Turkey. The Macedonians greatly outnumbered the Persians, and were at the advantage. It was a head on attack, known as “heroic warfare.” During the battle, Alexander received a head wound that nearly killed him. Although most the Persian cavalry escaped, Alexander killed most the Greek mercenaries. This was a victory for Alexander, however, some historians believe there were two battles, with the first as a loss to Alexander, and the second

  • Sultan Suleyman The Magnificent Essay

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    Sultan Suleyman the Magnificent Suleyman the Magnificent ruled from 1520 to 1566 and was known for expanding the Ottoman Empire on to three continents. Suleyman was the tenth Ottoman sultan and during his reign his empire was the most powerful empire of all time(Hays 1). Suleyman was born in Trabzon and was the only living son of Sultan Selim who was known as Selim the Grim. Suleiman was known as a extraordinary military leader and he is known for his knowledge and wisdom. During Suleyman’s

  • Alexander The Great Research Paper

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    Empire. The three major battles Alexander had against the Persian Empire were The Battles of Granicus, Issus, and Gaugamela. The Battle of Granicus River was fought in May 334 BC. This battle was the first major battle he fought. Alexander had an army that had 40,000 men. The Persians messed up on locating their cavalry on the river banks which caused the cavalry to be stationary unit. Alexander took use of the Persian mistake and attacked on the same day he arrived. The Battle of Issus began on November

  • Alexander The Great Accomplishments

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    the earliest writer of a primary account, the Persian forces “encamped alongside the Granicus River, using the river’s flow as a self defense and Alexander camped opposite so that the Granicus flowed between the camps.” Alexander went on to fight the persians with his macedonian and greek forces.One unique and problematic situation for the Persians was the positioning of their cavalry on the banks of the Granicus. Some historian believe this cost the persians the war.The Persian cavalry could neither

  • Alexander The Great Accomplishments

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    (“Alexander”)During the final battle in July 332 B.C., eight thousand Phoenicians were reportedly killed, and thirty thousand were taken as slaves. (“Alexander”)The Egyptians welcomed him as a liberator from the hated Persians; they also proclaimed him the son of Amon-Ra, the supreme

  • Alexander The Great Research Paper

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    odds. Alexander always lead his troops into battle from the front this “set an example for his Companions and his army”(“A Hero’s Hero” 5). This displays Alexander as a Hero because he took charge and lead his army into war and he set an example for his troops. Alexander was a great leader but he was an even better battle strategist. The last reason why Alexander was a hero is because he was a great warrior and battle strategist. In Alexander’s first battle he made Darius fear him and make him think

  • Alexander The Great's Success

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    One of the best commanders in all of history was Alexander the Great. He was a fine, quiet and often evil man that never struck without a plan. Alexander was quick to make decisions and went out on a limb, his success was accomplished by his show of absolute power and will to conquer. Among his life, he overcame the Persians and Greeks, defeated Egypt and Asia Minor, and secured the Mediterranean Sea. Alexander was conceived in 356 BC to King Phillip II and his significant other Olympias. In

  • Alexander The Great Wars: The Virtues Of War

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    Finally, the technology and weapons utilized by the Macedonians enabled them to be better equipped in battle than other armies. It also allowed them to sustain fewer casualties and losses. Peter Connolly and numerous other historians agree that advanced technology such as pikes, sarissas, shields, swords, helmets, and chest plates were either invented, developed, or modified to fit the needs of the Macedonians and allow the army to defeat enemy armies like the Persians and Greeks (Conolly 60-61)

  • How Did Alexander The Great Influence History

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    Alexander the Great affected history by unifying Greece, defeating Persia and Asia, and influencing different cultures. After the Battle of Chaeronea, an 18 year old Alexander and King Phillip arranged the Corinthian League. Alexander made a plan to liberate the city-states under Persian rule. The Corinthian League was a federation that represented

  • Alexander The Great: The Greatest Military Genius Of All Time

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    born in 356 BC in Pella, Macedonia. He grew up there too. He is the son of King Phillip and Queen Olympias. Growing up, his father was the King and Alexander was going to take his place one day. King Phillip took Alexander along with him for many battles to learn and to experience the moment. His father also hired Aristotle, his tutor, to teach him everything

  • Why Is Alexander The Great A Villain

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    him as a villain, so here is a great piece of evidence. According to Google “Cleitus the Black (Greek: Κλεῖτος ὁ μέλας; c. 375 BC – 328 BC) was an officer of the Macedonian army led by Alexander the Great. He saved Alexander 's life at the Battle of the Granicus and was killed by him in a drunken quarrel several years later” (type “who did alexander the great kill” on google). This proves everyone wrong that thinks Alexander is a hero because why would you kill someone if they saved you. Some will

  • Alexander The Great Research Paper

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    Alexander the Great was also undefeated in battle, contributing to his being known as the greatest military leader. Though he was only emperor of Macedonia for 13 years, Alexander the Great ruled over half of the known world, and accomplished

  • Why Did Phillip Conquer His Empire Research Paper

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    BCE and ended around 330 BCE (Burstein). This was marked by the famous battles against the Persian king Darius III, the battles of Granicus, Issus, and Gaugemela in which Darius III fled and left his army behind. This led to the destruction of the Persian capital, Persepolis, and his assassination by his own soldiers. Alexander’s army was occasionally outnumbered, however through the creation of the Phalanx formation, no battle was ever lost during his reign. He further manifested this new way of

  • Alexander The Great: Hegemon Of The Hellenic League

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    Hegemon Of The Hellenic League The Mycenaean kingdom was the birth of a great military leader and strategic mastermind. This man was the son of King Philip II and was taught by one of the great Greek philosophers. He created an empire that reached as far as Egypt and India, this rulers reign lasted for twenty-four years as Alexander The Great went and create his empire. This man was Alexander The Great, the conqueror of most of Egypt, Greece, and some of India. Alexander was born to King Philip

  • Similarities Between Alexander The Great And Julius Caesar

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    impossible to him who will try.” As we can see in the Battle of Issus Alexander uses a battle formation that is called phalanx in which he puts a lot of men perfectly formed in lines and each one has a 25 feet spear pointing to the front. This formation was perfect for that battle, because Alexanders troops were inferior in number and they needed to stay together. Also in the Battle of Granicus we can see that he improvises in the middle of the battle sending troops to surround the enemy and have more

  • Alexander The Great Research Paper

    460 Words  | 2 Pages

    Alexander III of Macedon served as king of Macedonia from 336 to 323 B.C. The history of Alexander is a mixture of facts and legends, but it is clear that from his earliest youth, Alexander was determined to be powerful and during his time of leadership, he united Greece, reestablished the coronation league and conquered the Persian Empire. Alexander was not only a military genius, but he was able to spread the Greek culture including his love of knowledge. These accomplishments, along with his

  • Cleopatra Diary Entry Analysis

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    It means nothing, our army shall crush theirs and their cavalry will soon be completely annihilated. The Greeks wish to meet at Chaeronea. My father will lead the military and I the cavalry. This battle will be the beginning or end of my legacy. I’m back at my diary today; we won the battle! This has really established me as a good leader. Entry 2, 336 BC So… my father just died.. He was assassinated at the wedding of my sister, Cleopatra. I watched it happen in front of my very own

  • How Did Alexander The Great Conquer

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    of Macedonia. Alexander used great fighting skills to make him the most well know conquer in the world. Alexander the great was born in 356 B.C. He was born from King Philip the second of Macedonia. Alexander grew up watching his father win battle after battle, transforming Macedonian in to a well know military power. At the age of just 12 Alexander showed his skill with horses to his father and all that were watching. He tamed a horse named Bucephalus, an out of control

  • Comparison Of Alexander And The Diodorus After Philip II

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    Philip innovated and created the Macedonian phalanx which was greatly successful in battle. “He devised the compact order and the equipment of the phalanx…and was the first to organize the Macedonian phalanx” (Diodorus 16.3). Philips’ creation and mastery of the phalanx and his well trained army acted as a huge stepping stone for Alexander

  • Alexander The Great Research Paper

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    going through a series of wars. Sparta and Athens glory was gone and the great age of Athens was over. In 334 B.C Alexander the Great attacked the Persian Empire with a military army of about thirty seven thousand hundred (37000) men. The battle was at the Granicus River; 334 B.C and the Persians were