Chanakya Essays

  • Compare And Contrast The Leadership Of Chandragupta And Ashoka

    562 Words  | 3 Pages

    Soft power was the secret of the leaders of the Mauryan Empire to maintaining legitimacy, because people wanted to live in a nation under a leader that cared about the quality of their lives in the empire, which led the people to view them as gracious leaders of their community. Chandragupta, under the guidance of his adoptive father Kautilya, overthrew the Nanda dynasty to create the Mauryan Empire (322-185 B.C.E.). Chandragupta was a strong advocate for military expansion, whereas Ashoka, his grandson

  • How Did Chandragupta Build The Mauryan Empire

    345 Words  | 2 Pages

    Soft power, such as providing social services, helped leaders of the Mauryan Empire maintain legitimacy by making the people appreciate the benefits of supporting their leader. Chandragupta Maurya first established the Mauryan Empire around 322 BCE, and he conquered neighboring kingdoms until his empire spanned all of the Indian peninsula. Ashoka, Chandragupta’s grandson, continued to rule over the Mauryan Empire until around 185 BCE. Chandragupta implemented social services in his empire as set

  • Personal Essay: The Importance Of Being Happy

    755 Words  | 4 Pages

    Such friendships will never give you any happiness.” - Chanakya • Me Time Never underestimate this, because this is the only way for you to get rid of your stressful mind. Work smart, play hard, why not? This is the high technology era that allows you to do everything easier. It is true that you need to make

  • Niccolo Machiavelli's The Prince

    1479 Words  | 6 Pages

    What does it mean to be a Machiavellian? Webster’s dictionary defines it as one being “cunning and scheming especially in politics”, but that term means much more than that. It refers to Niccolo Machiavelli, who is mostly remembered for his writing entitled “The Prince”. Machiavelli’s “The Prince” was said to be the most widely read book of its time. Published in 1532, it brought up many debatable outlooks regarding human nature, power, politics, and morality. Niccolo Machiavelli was the first one

  • India's Golden Age

    864 Words  | 4 Pages

    India famously was founded 4,600 years ago.Well, if you think that was long ago .Think again the information I have, is crazy old.My thesis statement is that India In 1500 B.C. many different cultural groups and different types of groups started to come to India. India is not the biggest place but it has a great variety of lands,and land formations. India emperors of the Gupta dynasty reunited northern India about 320. The Gupta Empire, which lasted until about 500, are often referred to as India's

  • Sun Tzu And Machiavelli's Views On War

    1064 Words  | 5 Pages

    regard to war/security of a state MACHIAVELLI AND KAUTILYA 's SIMILARITIES AND DIFFRENCES ON WAR In my essay i will present the views of MACHIAVELLI and KAUTILYA on WAR and identify their similaties and diffrences. KAUTILYA Kautilya also known as Chanakya was an Indian philosopher. he was the chief advisor of king Chandragupta Maurya. and his famous book was Arthrashtrya in which he has written his views on war. According to him, the king must be always ready to wage a war as it is the responsibility

  • Analysis Of Man Jeete Jag Jeet In Heart Of Darkness

    1343 Words  | 6 Pages

    “Man Jeete Jag Jeet” in Japji Sahib by Guru Nanak is a world famous teaching of controlling over the desires of mind lest one gets corrupted by them. It means, one can win the world but one cannot easily win over the mind/ desires. Therefore, a man who has controlled his mind is greater than the one who has conquered the world. The characters – Marlow and Kurtz – in Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness display such contrast. The present study is aimed at understanding the symbolic darkness in the novella

  • Mauna In Spirituality

    2289 Words  | 10 Pages

    Relevance of Mauna in various Spiritual Sects Almost all spiritual traditions emphasize, explicitly or implicitly, the importance of practicing mauna. Mauna or silence in spirituality is often a metaphor for inner stillness. Many religious traditions imply the importance of being quiet and still in mind and spirit for transformative and integral spiritual growth to occur. In Christianity, there is the silence of contemplative prayer. The Sufi mystics insist on the importance of finding silence within

  • Alexander The Great Leader Analysis

    2308 Words  | 10 Pages

    The tendency of the mind is described as follows: "For him who has conquered the mind, the mind is the best of friends; but for one who has failed to do so, his mind will remain the greatest enemy." This goes on to explain that the greatest strategists are who they are because of their controlled mind, since strategies have existed ever since the human mind was known. The word “strategy” originates from the Greek word “strategos” which means “a general”, “army”, “lead” or “plan of destruction of

  • The Definition Of Servant Leadership In Nursing

    1958 Words  | 8 Pages

    1 Introduction When you hear about the words ‘servant’ and ‘leader’, what would you think about? Many people will come up with the fact those are contrary words. If you draw a hierarchical pyramid in your mind, the servant is placed in the bottom class and the leader is located in the top part on the contrary. However, there is one leadership theory called servant leadership. Then, what is servant leadership about? 1.1 Definition of servant leadership Servant leadership was first proposed in a classic