India's Golden Age

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India famously was founded 4,600 years ago.Well, if you think that was long ago .Think again the information I have, is crazy old.My thesis statement is that India In 1500 B.C. many different cultural groups and different types of groups started to come to India. India is not the biggest place but it has a great variety of lands,and land formations.
India emperors of the Gupta dynasty reunited northern India about 320. The Gupta Empire, which lasted until about 500, are often referred to as India's “golden age”. I believe that India is an Oligarchy, because India has many groups/civilisations that have lived there and they all listen to one ruler.One reason they came is that they did not like the type of environment they were living in, so …show more content…

To the west might have lots of history behind it because of the Thar Desert. One reason is that trade routes could have possibility gone through it. So then people would have died because of sand storms, sinking sand, and reduce of water or food. Desserts also, can create living hazards with the human body. That means like if a sand storm came and there was nowhere to go and you inhaled sand into your lungs you could die and so could the animals transporting the goods.
CItation: Author is: Aleksei Macatuno Accessed 12/14/17 Last updated by: 2015
This map is obviously showing India’s physical features. India has gigantic mountain ranges and many people have died in these mountains because of the terrain. I believe that one of the mountains is a 14teener ( a mountain 14 thousand feet in the air). Where the brown area is, is where a lot of the mountains are so the brown indicates they are larger. So basically China has huge mountains; and mountain ranges. The orange and red lines indicate that they are mountains but in thinner vicinities/areas. Also, from research and photos the mountain ranges are absolutely beautiful and immerse with …show more content…

India is very large, but think about it the United States of America has 50 states. So that means that this is much smaller than the United States of America. That means that the United States is 1.5 times larger than India. India is slightly more than one third of The United States of America. India is truly a very small country. The colored shapes are the states, and there are not to many. Also, The names that are not bold are cities, and the names that are bold are states.

Citation is: The creator and owner is: Marie Panzer Last updated 2015 Last accessed 12/18/17 This map is basically describing India’s trade routes. I see that at least every major city in India imports goods, and exports goods. Also, I see that many of them go into china. Even more go into Africa there is up to eleven areas India exports. So from what I can see India has a very large, export rate and possibly and smaller import rate. That is good, because that makes more