Chirality Essays

  • Capillary Electroosmotic Chromatography Lab Report

    517 Words  | 3 Pages

    Quantification and separation of chiral compound are considerable appealing because of the difference in pharmacological and toxicological properties of enantiomers. Sometimes one of the enantiomers demonstrates the desirable effect while the other could be less active or inactive or even have adverse effects.44 Several technique such as HPLC, supercritical fluid chromatography (SFC), and GC are used for separation of chiral compound. As a complimentary technique, capillary electrophoresis is also

  • Chiral Molecules Lab Report

    996 Words  | 4 Pages

    Introduction Chiral molecules chemical structures that are non-superimposable mirror images of one another, much like the way a person’s hands are. Also known as stereoisomers, these compounds have the same molecular formula with different spacial orientation. Each chiral molecule contains a pair of enantiomers, each of which represents the two structures for each molecule (ie left hand and right hand). Chiral molecules play a huge part in pharmaceutical compounds, making up 56% of the drugs currently

  • Did Life Come From Another World Analysis

    798 Words  | 4 Pages

    Chemical Evolution Creation and Evolution are rival ideas. Creation states that God is a purposeful creator who initially brought everything into being. Evolution is the theory that life began as random chemicals combined, resulting in the first primitive life. These opposing ideas lead to the question of whether the presence of the complex biochemistry found within living organisms requires an Intelligent Designer. The authors of “Did Life Come from Another World?” discuss, to a good extent,

  • Asymmetric Diel Reaction Lab Report

    774 Words  | 4 Pages

    achiral) as efficient organocatalyst between crotonaldehyde or methacrolein and cyclopentadiene. The enentiomeric excess was less than 5% and no such diastereoselectivity were observed. Here enantiomeric excess did not depends upon the ionic liquids chirality, both chiral CILs and achiral CILs gave the near about same results. After that time researchers have been tried to design and synthesized Lewis acid based

  • Personal Statement

    492 Words  | 2 Pages

    I am writing on behalf of my application to participate in the Research Experience for Undergraduates at the University of Utah in the Department of Chemistry. I am captivated by chemistry’s impact on all aspects of life. I want to participate in this program because I know that this research experience will help me develop my knowledge of chemistry and my understanding of the world. I am pursuing a career in chemistry and I believe that I can greatly contribute to this research community. I am fascinated

  • Personal Statement

    615 Words  | 3 Pages

    my decision to apply to Pharmacy. As I gained work experience, I realised that in addition to the commitment for my A-Level subjects, self-motivation is equally as important for a career within a healthcare environment. I have enjoyed studying chirality in chemistry this year and learning how two different enantiomers in a racemic mixture can produce different biological responses. One example of this was Naproxen where I studied how one enantiomer can be used to treat arthritis pain while the other

  • Steroids Research Paper

    1629 Words  | 7 Pages

    Chewing on the bark of a willow tree was a common practice when dealing with aches or pains in the early stages of medicine. As humankind has become more advanced methods have been developed to isolate the active ingredients in traditional remedies and improve them so the desired effects can be reached quicker, more directly and arguably more safely than before. Significant progress was made in the way of chemistry in the 19th-21st centuries which lead to the emergence of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory

  • Nucleophilic Acyl Substitution Lab Report

    1137 Words  | 5 Pages

    Introduction: We have seen that the carbonyl group of aldehydes and ketones is highly immediate, and that accompaniments to this functionality are ordinary. Carbonyl functionality reactive but that it also activates to hand carbon-hydrogen bonds (particularly alpha hydrogen’s) to go through a variety of substitution reactions.1 Carbonyl compounds can be explained by just four fundamental reaction types:  Nucleophilic additions  Nucleophilic acyl substitutions  α-Substitutions

  • Epoxides Lab Report

    973 Words  | 4 Pages

    1. Introduction Epoxides (or oxiranes) are highly versatile intermediates in synthetic organic chemistry. Nature also uses them as intermediates in many key biosynthetic pathways. However, there are other functions of epoxides in biological systems. They can impart localised structural rigidity, confer cytotoxicity by alkylation, or be secondary metabolites [1]. The chemistry of epoxides is dominated by the reactions that involve opening of the strained three-membered heterocyclic ring by nucleophiles

  • Thymidylate Synthase

    1234 Words  | 5 Pages

    take the place of the benzene ring on the original inhibitor. This group, a dialkylated amine, was added to position 5 on the naphthostryl scaffold. An amine in position 5 was selected due to an easy synthesis, easy adjustability, and the lack of a chirality center which would have given more than one final product of synthesis. The amino group was alkylated with a benzene ring in order create one molecule that could occupy all the binding regions of both the natural substrate and the cofactor. For future

  • Diamorphine Hydrochloride Structure

    3034 Words  | 13 Pages

    Systemic IUPAC name: 4, 5-Epoxy-17-methylmorphinan-3,6diyl diacetate hydrochloride monohydrate Molecular Formula: C21H23NO5, HCL, H2O Common Street Names: Aunty Hazel, Black Dragon, Boy, dope, H, Smack or more commonly ‘Heroin’ CAS: 1502-95-0 Chemical Structure of Diamorphine   Identification and Description of Structural Features3 The functional groups present in diamorphine hydrochloride are esters, ethers, alkenes, amine and an aromatic ring. Esters There are two esters present in diamorphine

  • Isomers Lab Report Essay

    1400 Words  | 6 Pages

    In this experiment, different properties of stereoisomers, specifically enantiomers and diastereomers, were analyzed. R-Carvone and S-Carvone, which are enantiomers, were analyzed for opposite plane polarization and different odor. An isomerization was performed on dimethyl maleate to convert it into dimethyl fumarate, a diastereomer. Isomers are compounds with the same empirical formula, but with different arrangements of the elements. Enantiomers, a type of isomer, are two compounds that are chemically