Cuttlefish Essays

  • Cuttlefish Antidepressants

    520 Words  | 3 Pages

    Antidepressants and their effect on cuttlefish. Research into the effect that man-made material can have on the marine environment has only just begun to scrap the surface, many chemicals and physical particles are entering this environment at an alarming rate. Pharmaceuticals are a group of chemicals that enter the water system through waste water effluent, these particles are too small for the current filters on sewage works to eradicate and due to the increasing use of pharmaceuticals for many

  • Compare And Contrast Octopus And Moon Jellyfish

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    The following analysis is a comparison of two marine animals, octopus, Octopoda, and the moon jelly, Aurelia aurita, and how their nervous systems differentiate. Octopus have bilateral symmetry and jellyfish have radial symmetry which correlates to their body functions. Both species behave differently but share similar features, although they are not related and have unique developments which evolve over time. The two species to be compared are the octopus, Octopoda, and the moon jelly, Aurelia

  • Cuttlefish Research Paper

    599 Words  | 3 Pages

    Cuttlefish are very interesting creatures. Their name is just one interesting thing about them. The word fish is in their name, but they are not actually fish. Cuttlefish are actually cephalopods in the order of Sepiodia, and are related to octopus and squid. There are many other interesting things about cuttlefish, like their ability to change color, their behavior, and their intelligence. There are approximately 100 species of cuttlefish, ranging from one to thirty-five inches in length. One of

  • Essay On Cuttlefish

    1011 Words  | 5 Pages

    Cuttlefishes Introduction: Cuttlefish are small to medium sized marine animals that belong to the class Cephalopoda, which also includes squids, and octopodes. Despite their name, cuttlefish are not fish but they are molluscs. There are more than 100 species of cuttlefish which significantly vary in size from the small ones of about 15 cm in length to the Australian giant cuttlefish which can grow to up to about 50 cm in length (excluding its tentacles) and about 10 kg in weight. Based on research

  • Research Paper On Cuttlefish

    875 Words  | 4 Pages

    Cuttlefish are marine organisms which classified into animalia kingdom. They are grouped into spiida order and cephalopoda class. The common cuttlefish are scientifically known as the Sepia officinalis. The cuttlefish fish possess W-shaped pupils, 2 tentacles which consist of the denticulated suckers. They vary in sizes. For instance, the largest one (Sepia apama) has mantle which 50cm in length. Other species sizes are between 25cm to 15cm.They feed on other cuttlefish, fish, octopodes, small mollusks

  • Sepia Apama Essay

    732 Words  | 3 Pages

    Australian Giant Cuttlefish are in the following taxons, being ordered largest to smallest, Animalia, Mollusca, Cephalopoda, Sepioloida,Sepiidae,Sepia, lastly Apama. Their scientific name is, Sepia apama coming from their genus and species. Sepia apama is found about 100 meters under water around the southern coasts of Australia and Tanzania, in the seagrass beds of these coastal waters. Sepia apama typically eat small like crabs organisms called, crustaceans, and small fish. Sepia apama has predators

  • Cuttlefish Research Paper

    1015 Words  | 5 Pages

    The cuttlefish is an amazing marine animal, one of the most intelligent invertebrates. It is not actually a fish though, it is in the category sepiida. There are over 130 different species of cuttlefish. This mollusc has a very large brain and a very unique eye. It has 8 arms and 2 tentacles that have suckers on them so they can grab their prey. Sometimes the cuttle fish will use its arms to walk across the ocean floor to hunt food and to keep away from larger predators. Their favorite food is crab

  • Invertebrate Animals: Cephalopoda

    862 Words  | 4 Pages

    Cephalopoda Introduction: Invertebrate animals which belong to mollusks which means “head foot” and characterized by large head and modified feet. This group includes octopuses, squid, cuttlefish and nautiluses. Members of cephalopods are characterized by their ability to quick change their color as well as changing the texture and shape of their bodies as a means of camouflage. Today there are about 800 living marine species of cephalopods which are found in all of the world’s oceans, from the

  • The Striped Pyjama Squid Research Paper

    419 Words  | 2 Pages

    is actually a species of cuttlefish, a multifaceted animal that can often change its appearance, has an central shell, eight arms and two feeding tentacles. The Striped Pyjama Squid compact and rounded appearance has inspired other people to commonly refer to it as the striped dumpling squid. It lives in sand and mud habitats of shallow coastal waters from southern Great Barrier Reef to central South Australia.

  • Jurassic Park Argumentative Essay

    559 Words  | 3 Pages

    “Fierce or Untamable King” was created through gene splicing from different dinosaur and other animal species. This carnivorous giant is a hybrid of Gigantosaurus, Majungasaurus, Carnotaurus, Rugops, Therizinosaurus, Tyrannosaurus rex, Velociraptor, cuttlefish, tree frog, pit viper, and other unspecified present-day animals. The I.rex is deemed to be superior over other dinosaur species, having taken among the most impressive traits of its parent animals. Its agility and power resembles that of the

  • The Epinephelus Controversy: Species Of Fish

    304 Words  | 2 Pages

    Marine; brackish; reef-associated; depth range 1 - 100 m. Subtropical; 37°N - 34°S, 28°E - 180°E The orange-spotted grouper (Epinephelus coicoides), also known as estuary cod, is a species of fish in Serranidae family. It is found in the western Pacific, the Indian ocean and the Red sea. Its natural habitats are subtropical or tropical mangrove, open seas, shallow seas, subtidal aquatic beds, coral reefs, estuarine waters, intertidal flats, coastal saline lagoons. It is threatened by habitat loss

  • Explanation Of Charles Darwin's Theory Of Evolution

    882 Words  | 4 Pages

    The Theory of Evolution is a well supported explanation for how all of the world’s current organisms came to be. Charles Darwin originally founded the concept that all current living organisms came from past, shared ancestors. Along with the theory of the Big Bang, there is a wealth of evidence supporting the fact that we come from common, shared ancestors. When looking at many small scale micro-evolutions, you can see that over time there is evidence leading to full macroevolution. I believe that

  • Deviant Behavior

    304 Words  | 2 Pages

    Lesson, 9 (a). I think that cats are intelligent and my research let's me know that the bees, octopus, elephant, ants, dolphin, crow, cockatoo, anole lizards, and dogs show signs of intelligence. (c). I found a cat an named him Joe I didn't have a littler box yet and was going to get one the next day. Then one morning joe was trying to wake me up taping on my forehead. Since, Joe couldn't wake me up he went and climbed on the kitchen counter found some newspaper push it on the floor and went to

  • The Vacation Crush Of Squid Girl Analysis

    355 Words  | 2 Pages

    In the short story “The Vacation Crush of Squid Girl” written by Todd Strasser, Sierra initially declares she despises nature, but she personally admires it. During a vacation she goes on with her nature-loving parents, Sierra, the protagonist, reveals her interest by her knowledge of nature, describing items in a positive tone, and her clever use of sarcasm. In the first place, Sierra’s intelligence divulges her love of nature. For instance, she says, “Back to the beach, the tree huggers have

  • Active Camouflage Research Paper

    2576 Words  | 11 Pages

    JAYARAJ ANNAPACKIAM CSI COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING NAZARETH DEPARTMENT OF ECE - IV PAPER ON OPTICAL CAMOUFLAGE (Application to IMAGE PROCESSING) BY, J.IMMANUEL V.JEFRINS E MAIL-ID : ABSTRACT: The abstract of this paper is the working principle of a Harry Potter-like invisibility cloak. In order to make the cloak invisible, Light from all directions travel through the object, rather than hitting it. Because of not being able to interact with light, the hidden

  • The Giant Squid In Mythology

    795 Words  | 4 Pages

    In 20,000 Leagues under the Sea Jules Verne depicts a battle between Captain Nemo and a large “cuttlefish” similar to the giant squid and kraken and slips in a few real life accounts as well (Brundige). Moby Dick by Herman Melville features a two page description of a giant squid no doubt based on real life accounts. In H.P. Lovecraft’s The Call of

  • Hawaiian Day Octopus Essay

    824 Words  | 4 Pages

    The Hawaiian Day Octopus is part of the mollusk family, and are closely related to squid, cuttlefish, and the Nautilus. They don’t have shells, but compensate with their extremely intelligent and ability to adjust color immediately to match their surroundings. When they are startled or leave a certain area, they release an ink cloud. The objective of this ink cloud is to distract possible predators, (*kind of like in Mario Kart when your screen gets inked). They can also squeeze themselves into tiny

  • The Yellowfin Tuna, Thunnus Albacares

    1023 Words  | 5 Pages

    Yellowfin tuna, Thunnus albacares Introduction: The yellowfin tuna, (Thunnus albacares) which is also called “Albacore” is an important commercial tuna species, particularly the raw sashimi market. They are the second tuna species in terms of volume and popularity. They are extremely fast swimmers and tend to aggregate in schools especially with fish of the same size as well as with various species of dolphins or porpoises. Yellowfin tuna, travel long distances. They have a life expectancy of about

  • Octopus Stereotypes

    1631 Words  | 7 Pages

    However, cephalopods – octopuses, squids, and cuttlefish – have gangalias. Gangalias are clusters of nerve cells, condensed to form a centralized brain. (are o smart MIND). This central part lies behind the optic lobes. (Ceph Behavior.) The octopus brain fascinates researchers indirectly by holding

  • 1984 George Orwell Analysis

    1805 Words  | 8 Pages

    Reflecting on humanity and the importance of personal experience, it is possible to infer that the events that occur within one’s life are highly influential. Whether it be a birth or a death, a marriage or a divorce, or a monumental reformation, these happenings shape a being and their mind. More often than not, it can be observed that individuals undergo a variety of changes and situations. While numerous of these are rather small or seemingly insignificant in the course of life, the impact is