Elephas Essays

  • Asian Elephant Research Paper

    304 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Asian Elephants found in Bomeo, Papua New Guinea, faces threats of their transforming forest habitat due to agricultural use.The Asian elephants are slightly smaller than their cousins, the African Elephants. The Asian elephants have small, rounded ears while the African Elephants have ears in the shape of Africa.Their ears radiates heat to help keep the large animals cool, but sometimes they are interested of water and they enjoy showering by sucking water into their trunks then spraying the

  • Summary Of The Book 'Elephant Walk'

    778 Words  | 4 Pages

    The three books I chose for my Nonfiction series all pertain to Elephants. Elephants are the largest land animals in the world. The largest elephant on record was an adult male African elephant. It weighed about 24,000 pounds and was 13 feet tall. Elephants can live to be over 70 years old. The first book I chose is called “Elephant Walk” written by Jean Craighead George and illustrated by Anna Vojtech. This book was published in 1998 by Hyperion Books for Children. Elephant Walk is geared towards

  • Museum Assignment

    687 Words  | 3 Pages

    The elephas maximus can live up to seventy years of age and is from the Eocene Era, over fifty five million years ago. It can grow up to two and a half to three meters in height and ninety to one hundred and ten pounds in weight. It is an elephant that has tusks, a trunk, a lot of hair, smooth skin, and freckled, not pigmented, grayish skin. It’s skin is on the shiny side. The fossil shown in Geology Hall appears to be the elephas maximus’s ear or piece of its ear.

  • Natural Selection Essay

    803 Words  | 4 Pages

    elephants like African elephants, Asian elephants and many more types of elephants. These are all variations of elephants. The elephants living in Africa (Loxodonta africana) live in a different climate and environment than the elephants living in Asia (Elephas maximus) and this cause in variation in the appearance of the elephants. Increased variations of traits in a population actually increases the chances of survival as even if a part of the population is wiped out there are still some individuals with