Euryale Essays

  • Medusa Research Paper

    417 Words  | 2 Pages

    The name of my Greek god is a monster and her name is Medusa. It ment 1 of 3 snaky-haired Gorgons.Medusa was mortal. Stheno and? Euryale were immortal. Their eyes had the power to turn onlookers into stone.Medusa had parents her father was the god of the sea and her mother is Ceto the mother of Medusa siblings but as if she was just a normal god.In Greek mythology Medusa was a monster, a Gorgon, generally described as a winged human female with

  • Medusa Research Paper

    253 Words  | 2 Pages

    Medusa was a monster and one of the gorgon sisters and daughter of Phorkys and Keto. She had the face of a hideous woman with snakes where her hair should be. She had 2 sisters, Sthenno and Euryale but Medusa was the only mortal of the three. She originally had gold hair and was quite normal. She was a priestess of Athena devoted to a life of celibacy. After being wooed by Poseidon and falling for him she forgot her vows and married him.for doing this medusa was punished by the goddess in the most

  • Comparing Two Versions Of Orion

    252 Words  | 2 Pages

    There are two different versions of the story of Orion. Each one gives Orion different parents. In the first, Orion's father is Neptune, the Greek god of the sea and his mother is Queen Euryale of the Amazon, a huntress. Orion is said to have had his mother's talents and to have been the greatest hunter in the world. Sadly his greatness came with an ego and Orion boasted that he could better any animal on Earth. It response to this a small scorpion stung and killed him. In the second Orion had no

  • Medusa Research Paper

    365 Words  | 2 Pages

    the horrifying female figure that had snakes as hair! Medusa was called a Gorgon. She was not a friendly creature, who could turn those who looked into her eyes straight into stone at that moment. She had 2 sisters, one named Stheno, and the other Euryale. No body would dare to go near these creatures, because they're lives were at risk if they did. Medusa was a very territorial creature who liked her space away from other creatures and beings, and would rage if messed with. Most would only see her

  • Greek Myths Explaining Earth's Creation

    442 Words  | 2 Pages

    being slain by these pretend, made up creatures of Greek myths. The first creature I will talk about is the Gorgon. From greek myths the gorgons are three cursed sisters. There were 3 sister cursed into gorgons. Each of three sisters, Stheno, Euryale, and Medusa had snakes for hair.They also had the power to turn anyone who looked at them to stone. The most famous or well known gorgon is medusa.She is one

  • The Evil Greek Goddess Medusa In Greek Mythology

    487 Words  | 2 Pages

    claim that she even had the abillity to turn people into stone just by a simple glare into her eyes. She is said to be winged, and have very poisonous snakes (live) in replace for hair. Medusa was 1 of three sisters ( Medusa,Stheno,and Euryale) but she had other siblings ,and they all were children of greek characters

  • Hecatonchires In The Odyssey

    631 Words  | 3 Pages

    (Creatures). Odysseus made the Sirens famous, because of how they tried to lure the sailors in the Odyssey. The snake-haired and snake-bodied person that was created in its mother's image. Its stare could turn a person to stone. Medusa, Stheno and Euryale were the three Gorgon sisters, but only Medusa was mortal. King Polydectes of Seriphos once commanded the hero Perseus to fetch her head. He accomplished this with help from gods who gave him a reflective shield, curved sword, winged boots and a

  • Hephaestus My Version Of The Myth Of Orion

    719 Words  | 3 Pages

    three bright stars that resembled Orion's Belt. Furthermore, the constellation Orion is very useful in locating other stars in space. There are several myths about Orion. One of the most common literation of Orion is that was the son of Poseidon and Euryale. Orion was give the power of walking on water by his father, Poseidon. While Orion was on the island of Chios, he tried to flirt Merope, daughter of King Oenopion. Orion was then punished by Oenopion because he attacked Merope when Orion consumed

  • Argumentative Essay On Medusa

    914 Words  | 4 Pages

    Medusa and her three sisters were born by the Sea god Phorcys and Ceto, Phorcys’ sister. According to Medusa was related to two other sisters and are collectively called the Gorgons. Medusa was mortal, while the less famous duo ,Stheno and Euryale, were immortal; Medusa was not. (Atsma) He also suggests that the family of Phorcys had many interpretations by the Greeks. Some believed that they were a group of ferocious savage women; others believed that they were animals with long hair, who

  • Greek Monster Characteristics

    1002 Words  | 5 Pages

    What does it mean to be a monster? Monsters can manifest themselves in a number of ways. Modern day monsters Humans are often described as monsters by the media and Supernatural traits Fear Actions scare us Breaks moral conventions – existence, actions Three different types of monsters in the Greek world. Composites are monsters composed of more than one being whether it be animals mixed with humans or humans mixed with animals Medusa, Centaurs and the Minotaur are all examples of this type.

  • Was Medusa A Victim Or Villain?

    1398 Words  | 6 Pages

    In many myths Medusa is often portrayed as a villain, which is understandable due to the fact that she is a woman with snakes for hair (sometimes in other myths said to have a serpent body) that are able to turn people into stone, however; I can’t help but to think that there is more to the supposed villain than what the myths say. Was Medusa really a villain, or rather was she the victim to Athena’s cruel plot for revenge. To talk about Medusa as the creature she is known as today, a snake

  • Essay On Ancient Medicine

    1633 Words  | 7 Pages

    Medicine of the Ancient World There were many civilizations that had technology that impacted their world in various manners. I will be looking at four different civilizations, specifically: Egyptians, Chinese, Romans, and The Incas. Some of the Technology in medicine they created is still used today and was very innovative in their time. Medicine in Ancient Egypt As Herodotus, an ancient Greek historian put it, “Egypt, is wholly the gift of the Nile”. And while the Nile did shape the structure