Feral cat Essays

  • Feral Cat Overpopulation Essay

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    Feral cat populations have skyrocketed over the last few decades, and no one can quite agree on what to do about it. The overpopulation of feral cats pose a danger to birds and other wildlife, along with some risks to humans given the diseases they could possibly carry. Both sides agree something must be done about the feral cat population, but the debate comes in what should be done. For years the solution to the problem was to simply kill the feral cats, but the use of TNR, trap-neuter-return,

  • Essay On Feral Cats

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    not needed for killing, but the chance of a kill increased with hunger. cats are often provided with extra food and have access to reliable human food waste, and can avoid limited availability of prey (Sims et al. 2008). Cats can reach numbers in some habitats, such as urban environments, well in above of what could ever be achieved naturally (Baker et al. 2010). Woods et al. (2003), postulated that the approximate 9 million cats in Great Britain show a twenty fold increase in what could naturally be

  • Argumentative Essay On Feral Cats

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    In Hawaii, feral cats are considered nuisances. Often, they wander into yards and areas they are unwanted, such as parks or yards. They hunt our natural wildlife, especially rare species of native Hawaiian birds. Despite the harm they cause, feral cats are in danger themselves. Putting down these animals is inhumane, yet for the wildlife’s safety and the feral cats’ own, it is imperative for their populations to decline. In order to do so, the cats must be dealt with humanely. There are over 100

  • Feral Cats: Fural Habitat

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    In Australia, feral cats are a massive threat to many of their native endangered species, causing the deaths of millions upon millions of animals in incredibly short amounts of time. The worst part is that getting rid of these cats that originally came from the time that Europeans arrived is near impossible. This is until recently, John Read, an Australian ecologist, finished creating four robotic “grooming traps” after seven years of inventing. It wasn’t a simple design, as it took a great load

  • Should People Be Allowed To Keep Exotic Animals

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    Exotic Animals Shouldn’t Be An Issue Exotic animal ownership is something that is highly debated by many people today and raises many questions. Should exotic animals such as: monkeys, tigers, lions and other such desert dwelling or jungle dwelling animals be allowed to be kept in captivity by humans. Or should they be able to just roam free in the wild? Many people would be inclined to say roam free because it is not “natural” for wild animals to be kept in captivity. Or they can potentially be

  • Pros And Cons Of Tnr

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    Reasons Why There Shouldn't Be a TNR Program For Feral Cats Feral cats are believed to carry diseases that are a threat to human health leading to the introduction of a TNR program that has several pros and cons. A feral cat is a cat that lives outdoors and has no owner. Feral cats exist because of abandoning or losing domestic cats, which are left to care for themselves. The offspring of these domestic abandoned cats are considered feral cats and because they have never interacted with people

  • Catharine Sedgwick's Short Story 'Dogs'

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    Dogs Summary Response Catharine Sedgwick’s short story “Dogs,” was first published in The Juvenile Miscellany in 1828, under the pseudonym Stockbridge. S. The Juvenile Miscellany, was a children’s magazine that was published in Boston, Massachusetts. The intended audience for Sedgwick’s story, was children. Sedgwick’s story is about a mother teaching her children that even though dogs may be inferior beings, they are still capable of good, and much unconditional love. Dogs may not be able to be

  • Persuasive Essay On Cat Littering Behavior

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    Are you a cat owner currently dealing with cat littering and spraying misbehavior? Or did you by any chance give up on your cat because of littering and spraying issues? Sarah Richards has developed an interesting program called Cat Spraying No More on how to deal effectively with littering and peeing issues of cats. The program will train you on how to get your cat to litter and pee in the litter box no matter how long it’s been messing around. The main objective of the program is to teach you about

  • Pros And Cons Of Spaying And Neutering

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    In addition, the number of animals being euthanized each year would also decrease in numbers. Spaying and neutering is recommended by many surgical center owners such as Dr. Cathrine Darr, because it is much more humane than seeing unwanted dogs and cats die of starvation, get euthanized

  • Cat Management Case Study

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    Confinement as a means of management is available for cats when they are owned. Patronek (1998) suggested the need to identify and overcome the attitudes that inhibit the confinement of cats indoors, to stop them from being able to hunt prey. Heidenberger (1997) surveyed 550 cat owners in Germany. Slightly more than half reported behavioural problems in confining their cats. These included feeding problems, scratching furniture, anxiety, aggression, urination and defecation in the house. Toukhsati

  • The Public Attitudes To Ttra-Neuter-Return (TNR)

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    to stop cats from being successful killers. These can include collars, bells or other gadgets that make it hard to surprise prey or reduce their ability to pounce. Bells have often been suggested, but studies on efficacy have ambiguous conclusions about this method. Morgan et al, (2009) used radio-collars to study rates of predation, there was no significant difference in whether cats were wearing a bell or not. On the other hand, Gordon et al, (2010) found reduced predation in belled cats, when studied

  • Pet Overpopulation Essay

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    overpopulation problems. According to a national survey conducted by PetSmart Charities, more than 1 in 3 recently acquired dog and cat owners have not spayed or neutered their pet. The biggest barriers to spay and neuter appears to be a lack of motivation, understanding of the importance and cost. Perhaps these national trends are reflected locally. In 2012, nearly 25 percent of cats and dogs that entered AWLA were from

  • Of The Article 'Scoundrels Or Scapegoats' By Tim Low

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    Stage 1 English Pre-Studies Close Reading 1. Tim Low, the author of the article Cats: Scoundrels or Scapegoats, talks about many different issues that have arisen over the years concerning the way cats are viewed. Low talks a lot about the fact that cats prey on native birds, however, so do a large amount of other animals. “Birds are killed in forests too, by a whole gamut of predators including snakes, goannas, falcons, butcherbirds, quolls, Dingoes and even spiders.” Low presents his answer to

  • Trap-Neuter-Return Program For Stray Cats: Case Study

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    Program for Stray Cats. The city of Oshawa has long had a feline overpopulation issue and has been cause for complaint from both local residents and local shelters. The only solution that is put forth time and again by the City Council and Oshawa Animal Services is the euthanizing of these cats to control population. This is an expensive and flawed solution that is not effective against population control long term. The statistics show OAS has euthanized 2,151 kittens and cats between 2010-2012 (Letter

  • The Legend Of Kittin

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    This is a story about how I found my cat Kittin. It was a stormy night outside and I heard a faint meow just outside my bedroom window, I went out to investigate and that is when I found Kittin. At first he seemed to shy away from me, then he actually started talking to me. I told him my mom had been looking for a pet cat that was when he decided to tell me his story. Kittin has the ability to talk or at least talk to me, he began by telling me his story of how he ended up outside my window that

  • Argumentative Essay: Cats Vs. Service Dogs

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    Can a cat’s purring heal you? Cats can be more helpful therapy animals than dogs do to they are less expensive, less effort, and less training. First, we need to know what a therapy animal does, and how they are helpful. Then the training a dog most have to be a good therapy dog and how dogs can miss communicate. Finally, evidence to show cats do show love in other ways than dogs. Therapy animals are not service animals. Many people confuse the phrases therapy dog and service dog, they are actually

  • Informative Speech On Domestic Cats

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    domestic house cat. (Felis silvestris catus) Cute, cuddly, and playful are all words that come to mind when we’re thinking about domestic felines. However, what most ordinary people don’t know is that house cat are actually savage killers. Our feline friends are actually one of the most successful carnivores to have ever walked the earth. I know this because growing up I was always fascinated with cats. My mother owned an animal grooming salon, and we always had at least one or two cats in our house

  • My Cat Pee On The Bed Research Paper

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    exhibits. However, sometimes owner may be left disappoinetd if it 's long. (-- removed HTML --) Learn why some cats pee on beds, rugs, couches and other places where they shouldn 't go. Plus, our veterinary bheaviorist gives advice on how to fix the Does My Cat Pee onthe Bed? - Pam Johnson … (-- removed HTML --) . (-- removed HTML --) [url=http://biphycommopw.soup.io/]Cat hits other cat[/url] [url=http://402eratil-zo3z.soup.io/]Professional paint sprayer[/url] Learning the symptoms, causes

  • Black-Headed Gull Research Paper

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    ¬¬¬ Black-Headed Gulls, From China to England In November, thousands of Black-headed Gulls arrive at Green Lake Park in Kunming, the capital city of Yunnan Province in South West China. Making the most of a mild winter climate the birds will stay until February, before returning to their summer breeding grounds in Siberia. Being in landlocked Kunming for eight months the shrill of gulls is the closest I will get to a beach setting. So on the next sunny day, I weave my way through the back streets

  • Frankenstein Feral Children

    1976 Words  | 8 Pages

    The Exploration of Wild and Feral Children In the novel Frankenstein, author Mary Shelley uses the idea of wild and feral children to explore the beginning of Frankenstein’s young life. Some may compare Frankenstein to a wild or feral child because Frankenstein was not socially accepted and did not adhere to social norms. Wild children are children who have been separated from their families for a long period of time and raised in the wild by animals. These children adapt traits similar to the