Garry Bushell Essays

  • Argumentative Essay: The Invention Of Band Aids

    885 Words  | 4 Pages

    Did you know that Earle Dickson made the Band-Aid in 1921? He made them because his newly wife would always burn and cut herself while making dinner in the kitchen. Then, after she would hurt herself because she could not really made the band-aid herself. Earle had to sit and put a piece of gaze with tape to the bleeding wound. She would hurt herself so much and Earle had to keep creating this bandages. He finally decided to sit down and find a way where she could put the bandages by herself. This

  • C. S. Lewis: Why Do People Change Their Name?

    400 Words  | 2 Pages

    Why do people change their name? Have you ever thought of changing you name? Why do certain authors change their name? Such as Stephen King or C.S Lewis. Although some of these writers felt they had no choice or actually had no choice at all. C.S Lewis. Why would C.S Lewis the author of many poems and fantasy books write under Clive Hamilton? Well it for one reason and only one he “ didn’t want to endanger his job at oxford” where he was born and raised. Although Eric Blair the author of Animal

  • Searching For Bobby Character Analysis

    416 Words  | 2 Pages

    Searching for Bobby Fischer: In the movie “Searching for Bobby Fischer” the main character, Josh W. turns out to be a great chess player. At the beginning, Josh sees a man playing chess at Washington square and teaches himself to play. His father realizes how good of a chess player he is, tries to find opponents for him to go against and a teacher to help him. Bruise, his new teacher, says that Josh could be the next Bobby Fischer. Josh enters a tournament and wins and goes on to win all of his next

  • What Is The Purpose Of The Boston Photographs By Nora Ephron

    916 Words  | 4 Pages

    Nora Ephron’s “The Boston Paragraphs” displays various forms of rhetorical proficiency in order to create a fleshed out story. A piece of writing that displays many forms of rhetorical devices has the ability to carry out the author's feelings and ideas through a specific audience. Ephron expresses her love for stories and photos because they capture all the angles from the human experience. Ephron uses simple yet effective writing in order to keep casual readers from shying away from this complicated

  • Hollywood Mountain Camp Research Paper

    752 Words  | 4 Pages

    collapse. This camp was pretty escape-proof, but what the Germans didn’t know was that they put some of the most intelligent escape artists all in the same camp. use this in the trainistion for 2-3 The leader of the escape was Squadron Leader Roger Bushell who was a captive RAF (Royal Air Force) officer. His plan was to dig three tunnels at the same time and to get 200 men out in one attempt. Bushell’s code name was Big-X and the three tunnels’ code names were Tom, Dick, Harry. Harry’s entrance was