Out of the Silent Planet Essays

  • Out Of The Silent Planet Essay

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    Philosophy Of Out Of The Silent Planet The book Out of the Silent Planet (C.S. Lewis) Is a brilliant example of a science fictional allegory. In this compelling story we are met with multiple characters. Amidst the action of being kidnapped and whisked away to an unknown planet our main character, Elwin Ransom, reveals his many skills, fears, and philosophies. Today we will discuss what philosophies I believe are held by Ransom and his captors, Richard Devine, and Edward Weston. For the purposes

  • Virtue In Dr. Ransom's Out Of The Silent Planet

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    Have any of you ever needed to make a choice between something that seems favorable, but could be harmful or something that you know was right? In Out of the Silent Planet, Dr. Ransom travels past a house in the countryside, where he discovers a woman crying for her son, who is long overdue to come home. Ransom then offers to find the woman's son and return the boy at once. Upon doing so he stumbles into an old colleague who plans to take the boy without the consent of his mother. At this time Ransom

  • Virtue In C. S. Lewis Out Of The Silent Planet

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    and follow through daily with their actions to pursue moral excellence. This previous statement is not only proved by Scripture, but it can also be proven by C.S. Lewis’s novel, Out of the Silent Planet. Virtue is an active choice. This is demonstrated in the first of C.S. Lewis’s space trilogy, Out of the Silent Planet. In this novel, Lewis creatively writes an intriguing story involving Ransom, the brilliant philologist, who studied at Cambridge College. At the beginning of the novel, Ransom

  • Virtue In C. S. Lewis Out Of The Silent Planet

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    will be also.” (Matthew 6:21 KJ) In C.S. Lewis’ book, “Out of the Silent Planet,” the character Dr. Ransom is faced with numerous new and frightening situations. Dr. Ransom lives in England and is exploring different towns. Unexpectedly, he encounters an old schoolmate, Devine, who’s ways seemed peculiar. Devine and his partner, Dr. Weston, forcefully abduct Ransom and blast off into space. Admirable Ransom later finds himself on the planet Mars, known to the locals as Malacandra. While he was stranded

  • Out Of The Silent Planet Analysis

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    C. S. Lewis' stories are rife with characters whom one can admire - think Aslan and the Pevensie children from Chronicles of Narnia - and Out of the Silent Planet is no exception. Dr. Elwin Ransom continuously shows how possessing a generous, caring heart and a chivalrous tendency assists one along in life, regardless the planet on which they walk. The reader sees Ransom's altruism in his initial helping of the woman who lost her son in Chapter One. Even though he had just been refused a room at

  • Out Of The Silent Planet Analysis

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    Out of the Silent Planet What is virtue? Merriam-Webster defines virtue as morally good behavior or character. So how does one become truly virtuous? Must they simply avoid evil or morally wrong behavior? Or must virtue be an active choice? In C.S. Lewis' classic sci-fi novel, Out of the Silent Planet, Dr. Ransom, a philologist, is kidnapped by two scientists and transported with them to the distant planet Malacandra. Soon after landing, Ransom flees for his life as large aliens approach the clearing

  • The Virtue In Out Of The Silent Planet

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    determined how to be virtuous. How is virtue accomplished? Is it by avoiding evil or by choosing goodness over evil? C.S Lewis once stated, “Courage is not simply one of the virtues, but the form of every virtue at the testing point.” In his book Out of the Silent Planet, the main character Ransom is faced with abundantly dangerous decisions that cause him to either avoid evil or to have courage and confront evil. Ransom proves that although avoiding evil is not necessarily a wrong decision,

  • Social Issues In Out Of The Silent Planet

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    Out of the Silent Planet is a science fiction novel by British author C.S. Lewis. It is the first book in C.S. Lewis' Space Trilogy. It is a science fiction tale of Dr. Elwin Ransom's journey from Earth to live among the inhabitants of Mars, called Malacandra in the local language. Through the medium of science fiction, the novel addresses several social issues such as racism, colonialism. These chapters link the events and characters presented in the novel to current events, and foreshadow a possible

  • Summary Of Ransom On The Planet Of Malacandra

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    While Ransom was on the planet of Malacandra, he learned many aspects that forever changed the way he thought. He realized what the true needs for humans are and what Ransom is able to do without back on Thulcandra. Ransom also realizes what the Malacandrian’s themselves value based on specific conversations with the different species living on the planet. He realizes that Malacandra is almost a utopian society when it comes to dealing with other species. There isn't war, poverty, promiscuity, or

  • How Did The Change In Out Of The Silent Planet

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    In Out of the Silent Planet, the main characters, Ransom, Devine, and Weston, had several beliefs at the beginning of the book. What’s unusual is how some of their beliefs changed and some even significantly by the end of the book. Ransom, Devine, and Weston’s philosophies changed and stuck throughout the book and impacted the way they acted to others around them. Ransom, the philosophist , was forced to go to Malacandra by Weston and Devine (Lewis 14, 22). While on Malacandra, his philosophies

  • Out Of The Silent Planet By C. S. Lewis Themes

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    In his Sci-fi book Out of the Silent Planet, he uses all these themes as well as adventure themes that are commonly used such as finding a utopian society. The book's main theme is good versus evil, as the main character Ransom is kidnapped by two scientists and taken to Mars, where he learns the ways of the natives and befriends them. He then fights alongside them, to defeat the men who brought him to the planet and overcome them with the help of the Oarysa or God of the planet. This theme is displayed

  • Character Analysis Of Ransom From The Book 'Out Of The Silent Planet'

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    virtue at the testing point.” This is a quote by C.S. Lewis. In the book ‘Out Of the Silent Planet,’ Ransom is kidnapped by two men called Weston and Devine and taken to Malacandra (also known as Mars). While he is there he meets the four main native species, Hrossa, Sorn, Eldil, and Pfifltrigg. Is avoiding evil sufficient to make one virtuous or must virtue be an active choice? Using Ransom from the book, ‘Out Of the Silent Planet’ and the quote from C.S. Lewis to answer this question, the answer is

  • Perelandra Character Analysis

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    book is all description of the planet which is not the most effective approach to develop a narrative. In That Hideous Strength Lewis takes a more direct approach and uses less imagery, while focusing on theme and development of multiple characters. While Lewis is somewhat effective in developing his themes, the book is just lacking in imagery from figurative language. The character development in this book is by far the most effective in Out of the Silent Planet. We are introduced to the main

  • Examples Of Reality In The Odyssey

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    For centuries people have been trying to figure out one main question. Is there more in reality than can be perceived by the senses? Prime Reality is asking if it is an open or closed system? Is matter eternal? Are there gods, one God, or nothing. We find many examples in art and literature. In The Odyssey, Homer clearly believes that it is an open system which means that he believes that there is a spiritual dimension. The Odyssey is a book about the gods, and the part they play in Odysseus’ journey

  • Argumentative Essay: Is Space Exploration Worth It?

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    slowly killing our planet, draining it of its resources. For example, mining, drilling for oil, burning fossil fuels, and deforestation. Eventually, we will have no more of a certain resource to harvest. Finding a new planet is necessary to continue the human race in the future. Can we say that the Earth is better off with more primeval forests than with sprawling industrial cities? With teaming diverse species, or just one huge lump of humanity?

  • Sea Of Darkness Creative Writing

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    All that could be seen was the shadowy, silent, and obscuring abyss which stretched across the ends of the eye. Spherical objects, planets and stars, are the only lights here to stand against it. There, a speck could be seen in the distance, an object that was almost invisible, it was not like the other things out here in this abyss. It hovered near a midnight blue planet that contrasted with multiple smokey white swirls that was contained within. The stars nearby that shone to show the way to the

  • Mark Watney Being Alone Analysis

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    isolation because he feels like nobody will remember him. This creates a sense of isolation that's both figurative and literal; he's afraid of not only being left behind, but forgotten as a whole. (SIGNIFICANCE) Whenever Mark goes out onto the surface of the planet, he gets a cruel reminder of how truly alone he really is. With just dust and dirt all surrounding him, he realizes that that’s all that’s on Mars. Even though he can’t communicate with Earth yet, living in an earth-like building reminds

  • Summary Of Sustainability By Allie Sibole

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    The Earth is a unique planet since it is the only planet so far that is known to fully support life. Earth has many living organisms on it that it supports. Without it, there would be nothing. Just an empty planet like the rest. The reason for this is because of the history of Earth and the location of Earth in the Solar System. The Earth is at the perfect distance away from the sun such that it is not too cold or too hot. There is one problem with the Earth, however. There is only one and the population

  • Cs Lewis Biography

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    Boxen, complete with an intricate history that served them for years” (Biography.com). C.S. Lewis attended many schools, in 1916 he was granted a scholarship to study at University College, in 1913 he was admitted to Malvern College, but soon dropped out for having a hard time mingling with other students.

  • Jerry Ehman's Metaphysical Phenomenon

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    would, everyday, on August 15, 1977. Suddenly, he picked a signal 30 times as strong as the background noise of deep space. It was tracked for 72 seconds and had a frequency similar to that of the spectral line for hydrogen. The radio telescope printed out the signal, in which Ehman wrote one word: “Wow!” when he spotted a surprising vertical column with the alphanumerical sequence “6EQUJ5”. Later on, what he heard that night has been known to everyone as the Wow! signal. But, was never to be heard again