Prosimian Essays

  • Mountain Gorillas And Tarsiers Similarities

    957 Words  | 4 Pages

    difference between mountain gorillas and tarsiers are their physical appearance. For mountain gorillas, they possess the massive body size giving them the title of one of the biggest species in the world, whereas tarsiers are smallest species even among prosimians. Other than their physical appearance, the social interaction between two groups show distinctive difference. For instance, social interaction with each other is kind of a crucial for mountain gorillas; they mostly live with their own group members

  • Pygmy Tarsier Lab Report

    948 Words  | 4 Pages

    Introduction During the early 1900s, two specimens of Pygmy Tarsier (Tarsius pumilus) were discovered. The Tarsius pumilus (T. pumilus) collected were morphologically different from the known species of tarsier found in the museum as they had a remarkably small body. In 2000, a living population of T. pumilus was found in the central Sulawesi, proving that the species still existed. The species is also distinct as the 3 specimens were found in much higher altitude compared to other Sulawesi tarsier

  • Essay On Primates

    916 Words  | 4 Pages

    Prosimian suborder primates are characterized by their prominent noses and long queues and, in some species, by a tendency to lateral arrangement of the eyes. It was formerly included the Lemuriformes, Chiromyiformes, Lorisiformes and Tarsiiformes; these four show no characteristic justifying its session under the same taxon, so Prosimians are considered today as a group. The definition of prosimian in the Castilian dictionary is it is said of certain nocturnal primate mammals, small, with teeth

  • Gorillas: From King Kong To G-Unit

    1053 Words  | 5 Pages

    order to gain a further understanding of Gorillas and their locomotive forces, a brief look into their evolutionary and phylogenetic history is necessary. The order primate is divided into two distinct subcategories consisting of prosimians and anthropoids. Prosimians share unique physical characteristics that separate them from other primates, but are displayed within other mammals. Therefore those distinctive traits are commonly referred to as primitive

  • Monkey Research Papers

    1576 Words  | 7 Pages

    Introduction What is one of the most loved animals at most zoos that has multiple human qualities? The usual brown and tan-ish animals are cherished by most animal lovers and zoologists. Some monkeys have multiple amazing and unique features about the monkey, many are human like, others are not. There are multiple species of these amazing and highly intelligent animals.Monkeys have some amazing and unusual habitats; they have an adaptive lifestyle that other animals simply do not. A monkey’s diet

  • Primates Research Paper

    723 Words  | 3 Pages

    B. Primate Diversity All of our global biodiversity are important from biological point of view. But certain groups of species, which influence the other in the ecosystem dynamics, deserve special attention. Among these are the non-human primates- the monkeys, apes and lorises. Primates play vital role in forest ecology, as seed dispersers, seed predators and even pollinators. As canopy dwellers, primates play vital role of flagship species in woodland forest, indicating the quality of the forest

  • Primate Observation: Lowry Park Zoo

    1151 Words  | 5 Pages

    The primate observation that I chose to observe are Orangutan, Squirrel Monkey, and Lemur. This observation took place in the Lowry Park Zoo on October 18th. I went to the Lowry Park Zoo around 2 pm until 5 pm. The purpose of this observation is through primate’s anatomy, locomotion, and behavior to getting know them better, and how they are differences and similarities compare to human beings. When I got there, the Zoo was already very crowd. There were lots of people in the zoo; I think probably

  • Essay On Lemurs

    1125 Words  | 5 Pages

    kinds of lemurs and some of the most common ones that we know today are: the ring-tailed lemur (Lemur catta) , silky sifaka, mouse lemurs. The scientific name for lemurs is “Lemuroidea”. This species has a lifespan of 16 to 19 years also. Lemurs are prosimians, a group of primates, you can identify these mammals because they have forward facing eyes, hand

  • Bushbabies Research Paper

    1228 Words  | 5 Pages

    on for the purpose of this paper is Galago moholi bushbabies (G. moholi). It can be hard to distinguish bushbaby species from one another by morphology alone; instead they focus on vocalizations and genetics to classify them. G. moholi are small prosimian primates that have distinctive features made specifically for nocturnal and arboreal existence (“Bushbabies brought,” 2012). They have large round orange eyes for night vision, oversized naked ears for acute hearing, and long tails for balance (“Bushbabies

  • Primates Behind Zoos

    1991 Words  | 8 Pages

    majority of studies cited in this research paper look into nonhuman primates. These are members of the order of mammals that include lemurs, monkeys, and apes. These primates are mammals of the order Primates, which includes the anthropoids and prosimian, characterized by the refined development of the hands and feet, a shortened snout, and a large brain. Nonhuman primates are all of the primates except humans, according to the medical