Sahel Essays

  • Case Study: The Paradox Of A Green Sahel

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    The Sahel zone is a desert area in Africa at the southern boundary of the Sahara desert that includes parts of 11 nations (Godoy). In the African drylands, there is a huge problem of land degradation, called desertification. This comes from poor care of the land, such as overfarming or overgrazing, or global warming such as climate change and extreme weather. This desertification affects the 500 million inhabitants of the Sahel region, with consequences such as poor agriculture, food shortage and

  • Essay On Living In The Sahara Desert

    1560 Words  | 7 Pages

    In our world today, there are many people that have to live in harsh conditions. Some of these people live in the Sahara Desert. Though no human should be faced with living in such conditions such as these. There are some people, however, that manage to survive in these living conditions. But how? People living in the Sahara Desert adapt to living in these harsh conditions in many different ways. The environment of the Sahara Desert is very rough and harsh to live in. One reason why living conditions

  • Sahara Desert Research Paper

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    near to impossible to live there. There are few resources that make survival in the Sahara possible. Things such as oases, rain, rivers, plants, and animals make it possible for people to survive in the extreme conditions of the Sahara desert and the Sahel. The Sahara desert is very very harsh and is very difficult to survive in, however, there are some resources such as oases and rainfall make it possible for

  • Sahel's Drought Pros And Cons

    456 Words  | 2 Pages

    2004). One, emphasizes the role of the feedback between the atmospheric circulation and land surface processes (Charney, 1975). The other, argues that the influence of global oceanic forcing is the main reason of the variability of rainfall in the Sahel. This critical review will discuss these two directions based on two papers written by Nicholson (2000) and Giannini et al (2003), respectively, and try to analyze both cons and pros of this paired papers. The first paper (Nicholson,

  • Research Paper On Sahara Desert

    996 Words  | 4 Pages

    people live in the Sahel. People have to adapt to the living in the Saharan region. The Sahara desert is one of the harshest places in the whole entire world. The climate is very hot, arid, and dry. On page 300 it says, ¨The Sahara is the largest desert in the world. Its name comes from the Arabic word Sahara, which means "desert." Its climate is very hot and very dry¨. This shows that the Sahara desert is the largest desert in the world. Even the name of it means desert.

  • Sahara Desert Research Paper

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    crops grow. Most people live in the Sahel. People have to adapt to the living in the Saharan region. The Sahara desert is one of the harshest places in the whole entire world. The climate is very hot, arid, and dry. On page 300 it says, ¨The Sahara is the largest desert in the world. Its name comes from the Arabic word Sahara, which means "desert." Its climate is very hot and very dry¨. This shows that the Sahara desert is the largest desert in the

  • Pros And Cons Of Al Gore

    491 Words  | 2 Pages

    People are always worried about the Polar bears dying. But the population of them has increase over time. An argument that was made is the Sahara Desert, is drying up. This is untrue because the Sahel benefits from it. The Sahara desert is an arid area, but it provides benefits to the Sahel. The Sahel is at at great risk for overgrazing. Another great risk that all economies live in is the amount of CO2 we put in the air. But over the years, we learn how bad it is for people. However, plants

  • The Four Climate Zones In West Africa

    269 Words  | 2 Pages

    West Africa had a great history, and had 4 different climate zones because of its location. The climate zones were Desert, Sahel, Savannah, and Rainforest, West Africa was in the Sahel, underneath the ginormous Saharan Desert. One of the first empires in West Africa was Gahna, they had formed by conquering different groups. West Africans (deleted “They”) had lots and lots of gold mines, which was their key bartering tool, because they needed to trade for salt, which allows your body to store water

  • Sahelian Droughts By Anthony E. Hall Summary

    1100 Words  | 5 Pages

    Sahelian Droughts by Anthony E. Hall is essentially a memoir recounting his personal journey as a scientist and professor. Specifically, it showcases his research in improving the food security of the Sahel region of sub Saharan Africa. The Sahel zone is adjacent to the Sahara Desert, so the agriculture is more susceptible to the limitations produced by droughts. The droughts became more extreme and major food crops were at stake. These dreadful droughts led to millions of people in hunger and an

  • Conditionful Conditions To Living In The Sahara Desert

    1560 Words  | 7 Pages

    In our world today, there are many people that have to live in harsh conditions. Some of these people live in the Sahara Desert. Though no human should be faced with living in such conditions such as these. There are some people, however, that manage to survive in these living conditions. But how? People living in the Sahara Desert adapt to living in these harsh conditions in many different ways. The environment of the Sahara Desert is very rough and harsh to live in. One reason why living conditions

  • Effects Of Overgrazing On Soil

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    areas such as the Sahel, deforestation is also happening in some of the areas suffering from soil erosion. This means that people are using cow dung for fuel instead of as an organic fertiliser. This means that there is no cattle dung to fertilise the land. Aspect 3: The effect desertification has on soils. Desertification is defined as the spread of desert conditions into areas which have not previously experienced such conditions. An example of this is the expansion of the Sahel desert, which moves

  • Deserts And Climate Change

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    of the Sahel, the ecoclimatic and biogeographic zone of transition in Africa between the Sahara desert to the north and the Sudanian savanna to the south. The Sahara is actually shrinking, with vegetation arising on land where there was nothing but sand and rocks before (Mueller, 2011). It suffered long periods of destructive droughts and starvations between the late 1960s and early 1990s. Satellite photos, taken between 1982 and 2002, exposed the extensive re-greening all over the Sahel (Mueller)

  • Interconnecting Natural And Cultural Factors Involved In Child Labour

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    Child labour is the result of many interconnecting natural and cultural factors. The more factors in a certain location, the more child labour there will be. Because of this, wherever we see child labour as being concentrated we will find a wide range of these factors interacting. These factors can have up to three major effects on a location. Firstly, children are vulnerable to becoming involved in child labour. Secondly, child labour is seen as being necessary and thirdly, child labour is seen

  • West African Culture

    1016 Words  | 5 Pages

    Rulers want beautiful objects to celebrate their high position. Potters, weavers, blacksmiths, leather workers, and others were often highly skilled. West Africa is very beautiful. Benin makes really nice things for the king. Metal workers weld brass and use it in copper that has been mined. Come see it! West Africans have musicians and poets for their ceremonies and entertainment. The artists and musicians can’t be missed! Woodworkers and craftsmen are in such high demand. They work hard so

  • How Did Geography Affect The Development Of The Ancient West African Kingdoms Of West Africa?

    632 Words  | 3 Pages

    The vegetation zones influenced the location and development of the ancient West African kingdoms of Ghana, Mali, and Songhai economically because it increased the potential of subsistence farming and it helped the growth of population through the crops. According to Oxford Dictionary, vegetation is plants considered collectively, especially those found in a particular area or habitat (Oxford Dictionary). To be part of a vegetation zone, vegetation must have adapted to life in a specific region's

  • Primary Source Of Sundiata

    819 Words  | 4 Pages

    For example, in the penultimate chapter, Niani, there are many mentions of trade and commerce during the reign of Sundiata. The first is on page 82 "If you want salt, go to Niani, for Niani is the camping place for the Sahel caravans." This quotes, and the other similar quotes evidence that external trade flourished under Sundiata, and his capital of Niani became a trade hub. It also fits quite well with secondary sources, which report that the Dyulas made their fortunes

  • The Neolithic Revolution

    1088 Words  | 5 Pages

    The Neolithic age was a period in the developments of human technology, starting in some parts of the Middle East around 10,000 BCE, and which later spread to other parts of the world. It is also considered as the last part of the Stone Age. The Neolithic Revolution, which is also called the Agricultural Revolution, is the transition of human cultures from the lifestyle of hunting and gathering, to agriculture and settlement, thus increasing the ability to sustain a larger population. Domestication

  • Causes Of Mitochondrial Diseases

    427 Words  | 2 Pages

    Mitochondria are vital organelles found within all cells of organisms excluding red blood cells; they are specialised compartments, and therefore possess their own DNA. By definition the mitochondria are the ‘primary energy-generating system in most eukaryotic cells’ (Chan, 2006). They are often described as the ‘powerhouse’ of cells, providing 90% of the energy required by the body for vital processes and reactions (Pike and Brown, 1975). The circular mitochondrial genome (mtDNA) consists of only

  • Boko Haram Assignment

    716 Words  | 3 Pages

    transnational terrorism. Financial support from abroad is also a major characteristic of its network. It benefitted from the transactions of weapons from other actors. Training is also important as members of Boko Haram come from various countries like the Sahel region, Somalia, Mali or Niger. Some of the fighters may have come to Mali to participate in the war against the French and African forces. Training abroad helped strengthening the group has it provided them with knowledge and skills which helped them

  • The Pros And Cons Of Climate Change

    742 Words  | 3 Pages

    Climate change. Is it really a bad thing? With all the natural disasters that happened in the past decades, society has a firm, deeply rooted belief that the main culprit, the cause of all havoc, is none other than climate change. Thousands of organizations are fighting the war against climate change. They condemn heatwaves for causing water disruption, for melting glaciers, etc. Who can blame them? We see it all over the news. “Heatwave causing deaths”, “Thousands evacuated due to flood”, “Severe