Sexual abstinence Essays

  • Susan Dominus's Essay 'Getting To No'

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    Just because she wasn't herself that night doesn’t give you the right to take advantage of her. In the article, "Getting to 'No' " by Susan Dominus talks about sexual assault and how it affects everyone. Although Dominus talks about her experience and others as well, but she lacks facts to back her up. Young women that are in college are sexual assaulted on campus. Susan Dominus is one of the victims, but she doesn't consider herself one. Other women that are like Susan step up and she's amazed by their

  • Abstinence Education Argument Paper

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    comes. The argument ‘Abstinence Education Programs Are Not Effective’ by the Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States. SIECUS, argues that abstinence programs are ineffective and put young people at risk. The formulated argument effectively combines ethos, logos and strong premises to persuade the reader. Premises The primary strength of the argument lies in the author’s well-supported premises. One of the author’s premises states, “Research proves abstinence programs are not

  • Single Parenting Effects

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    them to have insecurity and doubts about men. The teen girls then have trust issues and cannot commit to an emotional relationship, which leads them to engage only in a sexual relationship. Some more research established that “a father’s absence early in life may trigger doubts in girls about male reliability that hasten sexual activity and reproduction, as well as promote a preference for brief relationships” (Bower par. 9). The author’s use of word choice in this quote illustrates that the absence

  • Sex Education In Brave New World

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    Morals and science have long collided over whether teens should or should not be taught how to have safe sex in school. Sexual education teaches teenagers abstinence until marriage and about the use of contraceptives during sex. However, due to moral and religious concerns, teaching students about contraceptives and safe sex in school has become a taboo, when such information should be used to encourage teenagers to make good choices, which is a stark contrast to how contraceptives and sex are considered

  • Danger Of Sexting Essay

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    The law still has a challenge to help in stopping sexting among teenagers. Since society tend to find some laws quite harsh for such an offence. Some experts agree that sexting can be safe in terms of online dating since the two cannot get involved sexual hence reducing chances of getting STDS and also unplanned

  • Argumentative Essay On Abstinence Education

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    Abstinence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder Abstinence before marriage is the foundation of all things good. The group, Focus on the Family, firmly believes this to be true. The “Why Abstinence Education? It’s Right-and it Works,” series was posted on their website in September 2013. This article is actually a family educational series about why Focus on the Family supports abstinence until marriage education over comprehensive sex education. Most public school districts do not teach abstinence only

  • Analysis Of 10 Arguments For Abstinence Debate By Linda Lowen

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    Linda Lowen writes about both sides of the abstinence education debate in her article “10 Arguments for Abstinence - Pros and Cons of the Abstinence Debate.” Ms. Lowen has discussed each side thoroughly before moving from one topic to the next and presents herself as unbiased for most of her article. She briefly states her stance about contraceptive after discussing the data for a logical solution. Throughout her paper she uses logic and statistics as a baseline for the issues while building upon

  • Sex Education Dbq

    1722 Words  | 7 Pages

    and the majority are abstinence only, as opposed to a comprehensive program. There are critical differences between comprehensive and abstinence-only sex education. Comprehensive sex ed provides age appropriate information about abstinence, contraceptives, reproductive choice, various sexualities, relationships and puberty. All is information is to be scientifically based and medically accurate. Meanwhile, abstinence only sex ed solely stresses the idea that sexual abstinence is the only way to completely

  • Lambeth Conference And The Minority Report

    900 Words  | 4 Pages

    The Lambeth Conference first experienced mixed reactions to their resolutions on marriage and sex in 1930. Resolution 15 stated that if there was a “morally sound reason for avoiding complete abstinence [from intercourse], other methods [of conception control] may be used in the light of Christian principles.” Before this conference, Anglicans and Catholics were in complete agreement that birth control was sinful. The Lambeth Conferences began to reflect the changes in birth control that Anglicans

  • Abstinence Education Advantages

    999 Words  | 4 Pages

    introduced abstinence-only programs. Since then, there has been a debate over the effectiveness of abstinence-only programs, and whether or not they are better than traditional sex education courses. People who are in favor of abstinence education claim that sexual intercourse before marriage is wrong, abstinence is the only “safe sex”, and that providing information about contraceptives, or “a device, drug, or chemical agent that prevents

  • Essay On Abstinence Education Programs

    547 Words  | 3 Pages

    Abstinence Education Programs Should Be Eliminated Despite various studies that have proven abstinence-only programs to be ineffective at delaying sexual activity initiation, reducing the number of sexual partners, or reducing the teen pregnancy rate, federal government continues to support these programs. Federal government has invested more than $1.5 billion on them over the past thirty years (Watkins). Abstinence- only- until- marriage programs mislead adolescents with inaccurate information

  • Pros And Cons Of Education Abstinence

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    Holding an abstinence only class in middle school prevents the knowledge of safe sex to our youth. The curriculum in these classes teach abstinence as the only morally correct option of sexual emotion. They shy away from teaching about contraception for the prevention of sexually transmitted disease and unintended pregnancies. “Abstinence messages are very important, but clearly the coverage of contraceptive topics is also crucial in helping our youth prevent unplanned pregnancy and STD’s,” says

  • The Song Of Songs Analysis

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    book, Unprotected Texts, Jennifer Wright Kunst discusses the Bible’s contradicting views of sexual intimacy and desire. There is something so incredibly taboo when it comes to sex and religion. Often teenagers are instilled with the fear of God in an effort to abstain them from having sex. The responsibility then falls on the girls since boys apparently do not possess the wherewithal to control their sexual urges. To be honest, I find this notion rather appalling and downright offensive. It perpetuates

  • Virginity: Young Women Remake The Sexual Revolution

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    Young women today feel the freedom to spend their sex lives in their own rules and terms. They had become equal players; a sexual revolution has ignited Eve to overpower Adam. The young women of this generation share a strong role for sexual entitlement and individuality thus giving them the opportunity to break the rules and switch the roles (Her Way: Young Women Remake the Sexual Revolution, 2000). One of the stigmas that are being hit by a wrecking ball is virginity as the Holy Grail for women. As

  • Abstinence-Based Sex Education Essay

    1942 Words  | 8 Pages

    What is abstinence? Abstinence is the practice of not having sex for a long period of time or until marriage. In most cases, the practice of abstinence is to refrain from getting pregnant. Abstinence is 100% effective with preventing pregnancy. If a couple is opposed to having sex, then, the sperm cannot fertilize an egg making it impossible to get pregnant. With practicing abstinence, you don’t have to be a virgin. Often, people who have had sex may decide not to continue to have sex. Abstinence

  • Gender Biases In A Midsummer Night's Dream

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    Refraining from a physical relationship is often not thought of when pondering the times A Midsummer Night’s Dream occurs in. Celibacy is remaining in a state that practices abstinence from marriage and sexual relations. However, the characters in this play were looking to have advanced relations, and their guardians are not attached to this idea. It is rare to see a man that is not wooing women for their love, for they are the only ones expected

  • Abstinence-Only Programs

    1144 Words  | 5 Pages

    Abstinence-only programs are a form of sexual education that encourages and teaches not having sex outside of marriage. There has been a great deal of debate over if abstinence programs work amongst children and adolescents. Each of my three articles examined a different abstinence-only program that was administrated to children and adolescents. Through the L.I Teen Freedom program, the adolescents increased in indicators such as pro-abstinence attitudes, self efficacy to remain abstinent and interventions

  • Abstinence In Schools

    1111 Words  | 5 Pages

    Abstinence is a form of contraception. Abstinence is the choice not to take part in sexual activity, usually until marriage or until the person being abstinent is ready to take part in sex. Abstinence is the most effective form of contraception to prevent pregnancy and stds. In an article for Dr Ananya Mandal, MD stated, “The word abstinence refers to voluntary prevention of oneself from indulging in bodily activities that provide pleasure. Abstinence commonly refers to abstention

  • Research Paper On Texas Abstinence-Only Education

    1467 Words  | 6 Pages

    Professor Ross Government 2306 8 February 2015 Is Abstinence-only education the correct approach for Texas? Owning one of the highest rates of teen pregnancies in the Union, Texas has an abstinence only approach in sexual education to try to reduce pregnancies? In addition to this, Texas ranks first as being the top spender in sexual education, but can’t get solidified results out of its spending. Texas doesn’t teach anything about contraception, how the Texas Department of State Health Services

  • Sexual Education In America Essay

    987 Words  | 4 Pages

    22 February 2015 Sexual Education in America Sexual Education has the potential to be a powerful way to educate young adults and adolescents about the risks and consequences of sex. As early as 1912, the NEA (National Education Association) have been implementing sexual education. By the 1940s, education boards across the US made the announcement that sexual education is urgently required.The 1960’s sought the beginning of the current and widely controversial topic of sexual education in US schools