Slut Essays

  • Empowerment In Thelma And Louise

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    Thelma and Louise, released in 1991, was a female buddy motion picture which marked the evolution from a traditionally male genre to the appearance of female road movies, presenting women as the only protagonists. Casting Susan Sarandon as Louise and Geena Davis as Thelma, the movie not only became a commercial success, it also sparked criticism on its stereotypical portrayal of women and men and discussion on feminism embedded in the film. While some has been long stated that Thelma and Louise is

  • Redefining Slut Essay

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    Redefining Slut People have longed to explore different aspects of their life without having restrictions. Living in a world free of judgement, bias and stereotypes regardless of gender is far-fetched but it is not impossible. The ideals society has for men and women have been deeply ingrained and rooted in our culture that is it almost invisible until encountered. No one is immune to prejudices but believing, fostering and magnifying them are obstacles to be tackled as they cultivate

  • Fear Of Falling: Sluts Reading

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    Self-Perception and Affect in the Fear of Falling: Sluts reading is how the adolescent females feel about their self-confidence. According to the reading Evie’s “Self-confidence is held in check by the rules she is learning about female sexuality” (Orenstein 1994:111). In other words, Evie’s confidence and other adolescent female, put their confidence based on what others say or perceive them. An example of Structural Approaches in the Fear of Falling: Sluts reading is what the roles the adolescent females

  • The Slut: The Oppression Of Women

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    Women are taught that being a respectable classy lady is exemplar and anything else is being a slut. People believe that women can either be pretty or smart, or sexual or studious. They do not believe a woman can be both. But, women can be both smart and pretty and know how to party and club and be studious and productive. Women are more than they are viewed as by society. Women are complex human beings who cannot be compartmentalized. All women have different characteristics, emotions, thoughts

  • Gloria Naylor Slut Analysis

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    The Evolution of “Slut” “Words themselves are innocuous; it is the consensus that gives them true power” so says Gloria Naylor. She made this powerful observation in her essay “Mommy, What Does ‘Nigger’ Mean?” which clearly depicts how a single word, in this case “nigger”, can have several different connotations under different conditions. We all know the social definition of “nigger,” but Naylor sheds light on other definitions. Women use “my nigger” as a possessive term to describe their significant

  • The Slut Jamaica Kincaid Analysis

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    Domesticity, reputation and mother-daughter relationship were portrayed major playing vital role in shaping the identities of adolescent woman. It is ironic how “the slut you are so bent upon becoming” comes up three times in the story and only once the girl’s defence response to her mother, “I don’t sing henna on Sundays at all and never in Sunday school”. The story lacks conventional narrative structure. It has a more poetic structure, which is very rich with meaning, despite its brevity. "An unwritten

  • The Idea Of Slut Shaming In The Film Easy A

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    our thinking surrounding them. “Slut shaming” is the social shaming of women for participating in and/or enjoying sexual activity. “Slut Shaming” is a topic that is not new, but one that has gained significant traction in the last decade. The movie Easy A (produced in 2010, running time: 1 hour 32 min) explores the concept in a satirical way, based loosely on the principles discussed Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter. The recent film analyzes the concept of “slut shaming” and connects the modern

  • Slut And 49 Other Double Standards Every Woman Should Know Summary

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    The book I chose to read is by Jessica Valenti, “He’s a Stud, She’s a Slut and 49 Other Double Standards Every Woman Should Know.” Valenti is a feminist writer who has wrote several books regarding feminism. So, why is she a feminist? Jessica does not agree with the unfairness that is thrown our way in our day of time and believes that whether you agree or disagree with feminism, there are specific double standards and disparities that cannot be disregarded. Just like Jessica, I believe that we need

  • Summary And Analysis: Girl By Jamaica Kincaid

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    and not a slut. The mother gives her a list of rules and tells her to follow these particular rules or she will be deemed a slut. There is an exorbitant amount of rules about laundry, cooking, and behaviors, ranging from what days it is proper to do laundry to “this is how to spit up in the air if you feel like it, and this is how to move quick so that it doesn’t fall on you” (Kincaid). During the entire dialogue the mother repeatedly tells the girl that her behavior is that of a slut. The girl

  • Elaine Cynthia Potter Richardson's Short Story Girl By Jamaica Kincaid

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    in the whole world. Her short story “Girl” utilizes the repetition of “slut” and long catalog of advice from the mother in order highlighting how women struggle even at the coming of age. Kincaid uses repetition throughout her work showing the struggle of women in her work. Kincaid repeats the word “slut” throughout the short story demonstrating that despite the given advice, the young girl will only end up becoming the “slut” she is. The mother tells her daughter

  • Hook Up Culture Analysis

    534 Words  | 3 Pages

    Lisa Wade mentioned that to be labeled “desperate” is perceived as worse than being labeled a “slut”. Is this true? It actually is within the “hook-up culture”. The “hook-up culture” is where having meaningless sex and hiding feelings becomes a rule. Even if a woman hooked up with a man that she really liked, she is restricted to let the man know that she likes him because she so desperately does not want to look like that, a “desperate woman”. According to Wade, it is against the rules for students

  • Social Scalpel Examples

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    The social scalpel according to Zerubavel “Helps us carve discrete mental slices out of reality” (Zerubavel 1991:27). The Social Scalpel also involves language. Language “allows us to detach mental entitles from their surroundings and assign them fixed, decontextualized meanings, it also enables us to transform experimental continuum into discontinuous categories” (Zerubavel 1991:29). Another example from the article of the social scalpel is the process of learning. In this example, it is dealing

  • Girl By Jamaica Kincaid

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    Since her mother warns her from being a slut she tells her about a medicine that would ‘throw away a child before it even becomes a child”(Kincaid, 470) which suggests that the mother did not trust her daughter and feared that she would become a ‘slut’ despite the constant warnings. “You are not a boy” (Kincaid, 470) perfectly sums up the entire story because this one sentence summarizes all the

  • Essay On Biological Reductionism

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    organs, child rearing, and domestic, because while the men are out there hunting for their families, the women should take care of their man and children at home. Just by looking at biological reductionism, it is seen that Milou van Deelen is being slut-shamed while men are being praised for their hunting, because men simply can while Milou cannot, because it is in one’s nature. The sex and gender theory suggests that women are being dominated by men, because women are learned to subject to it since

  • Poem Analysis: The Girl By Jamaica Kincaid

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    way to meet not only the persons who is doing the specific duty but it should also meet the approval of others, for example, “how to cook food for others and how to make and give medicine to people that are in need.” The mother calls the daughter a slut, “this is how to behave in the presence of men who

  • Scarlet Letter Women In Today's Society

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    but some are forced to wear their sin upon their sleeve. When I compare the world we live in today to Nathaniel Hawthorne’s novel, The Scarlet Letter, I can conclude that we do, in fact, live in a scarlet letter society; a society that judges and slut shames women for expressing their sexuality. Hester Prynne is a young woman who is required to wear the scarlet letter A on her clothing to symbolize her sin that resulted in a pregnancy. The townspeople mercilessly shame and discriminate against Hester

  • Imagery In Jamaica Kincaid's Short Story Girl

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    explains how to be a lady, however with a deeper meaning of freedom behind it using a few key lines such as calling her daughter a slut. The story Girl is very well written by the mother showing

  • Jamaica Kincaide's Girl

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    In the story “Girl” by Jamaica Kincaide shows that the authority figure’s advice is having a negative impact because she’s forcing the girl to conform to social norms. Throughout the entire story the speaker is reading off a list of things the girl has to do. The only time the speaker brings up a fun topic she turns it into something negative when she says “don’t squat to play marbles- you are not a boy, you know;” This is telling the girl that she cannot have any fun because she is a girl. Telling

  • Jamaica Kincaid Woman

    1050 Words  | 5 Pages

    Traditionally women have a hard role as a mother and as a wife.They are forced to do a set of tasks in their everyday life. If they do not fulfil these tasks then they risk being an outcast in society. In “Girl” by Jamaica Kincaid, it is shown that women feel constantly threatened that society will reject them if they do not conform to the norms. Even if a girl followed all of these rules, it is still possible that she would not be a respected woman in society. Today, the norms are much different

  • Encourages Healthy Communication About Sexual Assault, By Nicole Akoukou Thompson

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    Domestic violence and sexual assault in the Latino community is a major issue however, depictions of these issues are sometimes incomplete. The news article “Decimos No Más Encourages Healthy Communication About Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence” by Nicole Akoukou Thompson, depicts some of the issues of domestic violence and sexual assault within Latino community, specifically in the U.S. Still, these depictions are incomplete since they do not go in depth as to the main reasons behind why sexual