Steve Morse Essays

  • Persuasive Speech Outline: The Formation Of The Rocky Mountains

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    Presentation Outline Title: Formation of the Rocky Mountains I. Introduction A. Attention Getter: The Colorado Rocky Mountains are one of the most beautiful sights. Do you ever wonder about the foundation of these mountains? B. Thesis: The formation of the Rocky Mountains consists of a variety of geological explanations. C. Credibility Statement: I am interested in this topic because I appreciate the beautiful scenery of Colorado and its many mountains. D. Preview of Main Points: Today I will

  • How Did The Telegraph Affect Society

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    communication to distant relatives. No instant messages from friends. No contact to people in case of emergencies. Imagine living in a world with no cell phones, no landlines, no telegraph. The first efficient telegraph was made by American Samuel B. Morse, the creator and artist, in 1866 (“The World Book Millennium 2000 19”). What is a telegraph? How did it work? According to The World Book Millennium, the “Telegraph was the first instrument used to send messages by means of wires and electricity. Telegraph

  • Samuel Morse Research Paper

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    And finally, Samuel Morse was finished. 12 long years of hard work had paid off. His telegraph had worked, his message had sent. Though, he would not know this yet, this single invention would revolutionize communication. He would see more than 20,000 miles of telegraph wire in the U.S. laid out. But Samuel Morse would continue fighting for the name of the telegraph and eventually obtain it. Samuel Morse would be remembered and taught all over the world, even 145 years after his death. He would save

  • Samuel Morse Accomplishments

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    Samuel Morse was a famous artist and inventor who changed the world as we know it today with the invention of the telegraph. Samuel Morse was born on April 27, 1791 in Charleston Massachusetts. His father, Jedidiah Morse was a renowned geographer and congregational priest. Morse went to Yale University to study electricity and art. After he graduated from Yale, Morse went on to study art in England in 1812. Throughout his life Morse’s main interest was painting. During his life Morse made several

  • Samuel Morse's Accomplishments

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    Samuel Morse was a very gifted man. He enrolled at Yale College and grew to love the lectures that Benjamin Silliman gave on electricity. He graduated with honors in 1810. Although Samuel liked to paint, he was discouraged from doing so by his father. Samuel Morse was a very influential man. The way he got involved in inventing the telegraph is both interesting and very sad. The invention of the telegraph was a long and strenuous process, he encountered many challenges throughout his journey with

  • Why Did Lincoln's Use Of The Telegraph

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    played a significant role in the North's victory. The telegraph, created by William Sturgeon in the 19th century, had a major impact on the war ("Invention and Technology" 40). It required an operator and a keypad to effectively operate, and utilized Morse code to communicate (40). The telegraph reshaped people's communication habits, yet was met with initial skepticism, which could have prevented its impact on society. Nevertheless, President Abraham Lincoln recognized the potential of this revolutionary

  • Impact Of The Telegraph

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    amazing invention that made quick long distance communication a reality. Samuel Morse invented it in 1837, and the first message cross the telegraph line was sent in 1844 from Washington to Baltimore. He got the idea when he was talking to some friends about how fast electricity could travel along a wire. He created the telegraph so that when you tap down a button it completes an electrical circuit. He invented a code called Morse code where the alphabet is represented by long and short signals. When you

  • How Did The Telegraph Impact The World

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    the telegraph revolutionized the world. The telegraph is known as one of the most important inventions in the world because it helped Abraham Lincoln win during the Civil War, created world changes and created a secret message was made easier with Morse code. The telegraph was an important Innovation during the Civil War for Abraham Lincoln because it helped him when the Civil War. President Lincoln made the Telegraph Office to get the latest news. The telegraph’s potential was still widely

  • The First Transcontinental Telegraph

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    After the first message was sent through the telegraph, Samuel Morse and his colleagues acquired private funds to enlarge their line to Philadelphia and New York. Small companies began to operate lines into the Eastern, Southern, and Midwestern states. Western Union began their own business by sending telegrams in 1851, which subsequently launched construction on one one of the first transcontinental telegraph line in 1861. However, the process of sending messages from one station to the other would’ve

  • The Civil War: How The Telegraph Has Changed The World

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    first non-electrical telegraph, and though, not given much credit, Samuel Soemmering, using 35 wires with gold electrode through water, sending messages about two thousand feet away, re-invented it, known as the electrical telegraph. Soon, Samuel Morse took credit for sending the ‘first message’ using the telegraph, reading,"What hath God wrought?". This invention changed the world by broadening communication, and expanding productivity. It helped through wars and business, including the Civil War

  • Samuel Morse Code's Impact On Society

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    Breese Morse was one of the inventors.Samuel had a very educated childhood and has supportive parents throughout his college season. He created morse code to help deliver messages quicker. This changed many peoples lives because this was something they have never seen before. Samuel Morse was born on April 27, 1791. He grew up in CharlesTown, Massachusetts with his parents Jedidiah Morse and Elizabeth Ann Finley Breese. Samuel was the oldest amongst his other four siblings Sarah K Morse, Mary K

  • The Role Of Transportation In The 1840s And 50s

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    the 1840s, a revolutionary breakthrough occurred—a new form of communication that was called a telegraph. Communicating through telegraph was almost instantaneous; it allowed people to talk to each other faster than a letter. In 1844, Samuel F. B. Morse sent the very first telegraph. His first transmission via telegraph was “What Hath God Wrought.” At the time, there may not have been many ways to interpret Morse’s vague transmission, but today that statement can be interpreted in many different ways

  • Samuel Morse Codes Research Paper

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    Imagine a time where communication wasn’t instantaneous. In today’s world, we can all communicate with each other with the press of a couple buttons, but how did we communicate before the modern day technology? Samuel Morse, an inventor from the 1800’s, created something that changed communication forever. Along with other inventors, he created the telegraph. The telegraph was significant to early American history in many different ways. Before the telegraph, long distance communication wasn’t nearly

  • Mongol Empire Communication

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    Communication has been around since the beginning of time and has been rapidly changing ever since. Societies rely on their ability to communicate in order to become successful and prosperous. Because of the need for communication within the different societies around the world, advancements have been made throughout history in order to be able to communicate more easily and quickly. The Mongol Empire in eastern Europe and Asia, Germany, and the United States provide definitive representation of

  • Personal Narrative On My 4th Of July

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    “ It will be celebrated… with pomp and parade… bonfires and illuminations from one end of this continent to the other,” once said the famous John Adams. Most people could probably tell what John Adams is talking about, the great 4th of July. Most years before this year I would stay at my house and shoot off fireworks with my family and a few of my friends. This year my friends and I decided to go to other parts of our neighborhood. We were going through peoples back yards and past their driveways

  • Ugly Shag Rug Short Story

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    A mix of black and white and every grey in between could be found in each muscle. The combination of dots and dashes that made up the morse code that covered the sculpture transformed into one continual line with tiny dots spread all along it. There are moments here only yours and mine. Tiny dots on an endless timeline. The line connected to a leafless, skeleton of a tree, as if it were

  • History Of The Telegraph

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    efficient the telegraph was able to relay more complex messages farther and farther till it connected people from around the world by pressing a few buttons. In 1843, Morse and Vail received funding from the U.S. Congress to set up and test their telegraph system between Washington, D.C., and Baltimore, Maryland. On May 24, 1844, Morse sent Vail the historic first message: “What hath God wrought!” The telegraph system subsequently spread across America and the world, aided by further innovations. Among

  • Impact Of The Telegraph And Its Impact On 19th America

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    The telegraph impacted 19th America by making communication between faraway places possible. It helped people with their day to day lives by giving them news, the ability to communicate with people in distant places, and information regarding things like whether their train was going to be late or not. The telegraph also laid the ground work for technology we use for communication today. Besides education, the internet has had a huge impact on life in America today. Within seconds you are able

  • Samuel Morse's Accomplishments

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    27th, 1791 in Charlestown, Boston, MA, Samuel Finley Breese Morse was born to the parents of Jedidiah Morse and Elizabeth Ann Finley Breese. He was a painter and inventor. After his established portrait painting career, Morse decided to contribute to the invention of the single-wire telegraph system. This unique system changed long distance communication and it was based off of European telegraph designs. He was married to Susan walker Morse and had three children. She died young, at the age of 25 while

  • Morse V Frederick Case Study

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    had the right to take action against his acts. Taylor Murphy claimed that, while on school property, the event was outside of the school day and he was acting as a free and public individual. In the case Morse v. Frederick, he may have no been “in school” but he was on school grounds and Morse v. Frederick states “pupils who participate in approved social events and class trips are subject to the same student conduct rules that apply during the regular school program.” Even if Murphy didn’t realize