Sulawesi Essays

  • Hanging Coffins Found At The Tana Toraja In Indonesia

    711 Words  | 3 Pages

    Hanging coffins in Indonesia Hanging coffins can be found at the Tana Toraja in Indonesia. The Tana Toraja is a regency of South Sulawesi province of Indonesia. It is a mountainous region where an indigenous ethnic group known as the Torajans lives. According to April Holloway, (2014), For Toraja people, life revolves around death, but not in a melancholic sense. Torajan tribes have a strong belief in the afterlife. There have several burial practices around Tana Toraja and one of them is hanging

  • Best Coffee Essay

    700 Words  | 3 Pages

    Best coffee Stepping into the 21st century, coffee trees have been planted in around 10 nations all over the world. The various coffee-growing places have contributed to a wide range of coffee types with distinguishing flavors. For such that variety, it is not so easy to determine which are the best coffees in the world? However, according to expert evidence, the best coffee beans come from the coffee trees grown at high altitudes in a tropical climate and condition of nourishing soil. Therefore

  • Pygmy Tarsier Lab Report

    948 Words  | 4 Pages

    morphologically different from the known species of tarsier found in the museum as they had a remarkably small body. In 2000, a living population of T. pumilus was found in the central Sulawesi, proving that the species still existed. The species is also distinct as the 3 specimens were found in much higher altitude compared to other Sulawesi tarsier species. They compared the T. pumilus to the Tarsius Dianae species as they believed that they must also travel longer distances at night in order to find their prey

  • Alfred Wallace And Charles Darwin's Theory Of Natural Selection

    422 Words  | 2 Pages

    lion’s who don’t possess retractable claws anymore, or the koalas that have developed fingerprints which are indistinguishable from humans and platypus have beaks but they are mammals. The Wallace line runs through Indonesia and between Borneo and Sulawesi and continues through the Lombok Strait between Lombok and Bali. Which just happens to be where the Laurasian and Gondwana tectonic plates touch. The Wallace is an imaginary boundary which marks where the two sub-groups of species have been separated

  • Exploratory Essay

    1665 Words  | 7 Pages

    mouth” (Merriam-Webster). In ancient times, this could mean stories of past civilizations that have been smeared on walls of caves to preserve their lives and what happened to them; in Sulawesi, Indonesia, cave paintings found by archaeologist Jo Marchant illustrate drawings

  • Personal Narrative: The Fighting Moth

    679 Words  | 3 Pages

    Today was the dangerous day of my life. My body change in all way my back sprouted wings. My body change colors my eyes turned yellow, my legs and arms grow and started manifesting and to my whole life. Then to my old life was still with me but the new addition to it was and is “The Fighting Moth” the reason of this to help the people and free them from the villain hood of the “Trio of Power” but hopefully they were no match for the Fighting Moth and “Kassi the Leech”. The journey with the power

  • Dutch Influence On Indonesia

    753 Words  | 4 Pages

    (except for Muslim regions such as Aceh and West Sumatra), the number of Christians had hardly increased compared to one hundred years before. Only two regions showed a major increase in the number of indigenous Protestants, to wit the Minahasa (North Sulawesi) and Tapanuli (North Sumatra). The general 'failure' to convert locals to Christianity on a large-scale basis was mainly due to the lack of financial means, limited manpower and the inadequacy of the methods used ("Christianity in Indonesia").” Parts

  • Changing The Relationship Between Australia And Indonesia Over The Years

    903 Words  | 4 Pages

    though Australia and Indonesia relations refers to the foreign relations between Australia and Indonesia, which began as early as 1640 between Indigenous Australians and Makassan trepangers from southwest Sulawesi this was not one of the biggest factors, Australia didn’t become “good friends” with Indonesia until mid 1940’s. In 1945 Indonesia proclaimed independence. Australia took a massive part in this. After World War 2 ended, Indonesia's leaders Sukarno

  • Research Paper On Leonardo Da Vinci

    1003 Words  | 5 Pages

    Art is one of the oldest ways of communication. The oldest pieces of art are cave paintings dating back to 40,000 years ago in Indonesia's Sulawesi Island (”Indonesian cave paintings ‘revolutionized our idea of human art”). The birthplace of art was originally thought to be in Europe; such popular artists like Leonardo da Vinci, Salvador Dali, and Vincent van Gogh came from there. They are some of the most iconic artists known to date. The Italian artist, Leonardo da Vinci was known for perfection

  • What Is Allopatric Speciation?

    1101 Words  | 5 Pages

    The work of Alfred Russel Wallace and the observations of Charles Darwin (while aboard his journey on the HMS Beagle) gave light to the current science of biogeography. This led to the current assumptions that species have a definite area of origin, achieve a broader region of distribution, and then become modified or produce descendent species in other regions (Laughlin 2015). This again relates to Wallace’s observation that species reproduce rapidly and without being checked will rapidly expand

  • Mount Tambora Research Paper

    1551 Words  | 7 Pages

    200 years ago, the world was shrouded in a gloomy darkness, and suspended in a chokehold of famine and violence. In April of 1815, the most powerful volcanic blast in recorded history erupted from Mount Tambora in the East Indies. It affected the climate and culture of many different reaches of the world. Mount Tambora’s eruption was one of the most devastating eruptions in history, and its effects were felt around the globe. However, it struck a mark culturally, and politically too. Not just a volcanic

  • Aquis Great Barrier Club Essay

    1628 Words  | 7 Pages

    Aquis Great Barrier Reef Resort is a resort located at Yorkeys Knob, which is one of the beach suburbs of Cairns, in Far North Queensland. The location of the resort is attractive because it is close to one of the World Heritage sites, which are the Great Barrier Reef and Wet Tropics rainforests. The resort hopes to attract tourists to Cairns and Far North Queensland and making them the top tourists destinations in the world. Aquis’ goal is to boast the local economy and compete on the world stage

  • World War 2 Essay

    1909 Words  | 8 Pages

    ABDACOM began operations on January 15, 1942, but the Japanese had already started moving toward the oil-rich Indies. They had occupied Sarawak on December 17, Brunei on January 6, and Tarakan, Jesselton (now Kota Kinabalu), and points on Celebes (Sulawesi) on January 11. They seized the ports of Balikpapan and Kendari on January 24. Amboina (now Ambon) fell to them on February 4, after a heroic four-day