Swallowing Essays

  • Thomas Case Study Essay

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    Question 5: In the case history it states that Thomas does not cough when he drinks and from the clinical swallow exam and the cranial nerve examination it has identified that Thomas demonstrates a pro-longed oral phase. There was no evidence that Thomas has any pharyngeal difficulties once he initiates the swallow. Therefore, it is appropriate to start oral food trials with Thomas as there is no potential risk of aspiration at this stage. Cichero and Murdoch (2006) have identified conditions that

  • Physical Therapy Scope Of Practice

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    As a professional, one must adhere to the guiding principles defined by the professional association. Scope of Practice outlines the “notions of professional conduct, accountability and self- governance and expanded practice”. Scope of Practice summarizes “the range of roles and activities an individual registrant or licensee is permitted to undertake in the course of professional practice. These roles and activities are largely determined by professional education and practice competence along with

  • Speech Pathologist Career Essay

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    specializes in the evaluation and treatment of communication disorders. They are also known as speech and language therapists. Their job is to prevent, assess, diagnose, and treat speech, language, social communication, cognitive-communication, and swallowing disorders in children and adults. To work in this career, knowledge in psychology, counseling/therapy, education, sociology, medicine, teaching, and the English language is necessary. The skills that are needed are being able to read, write, listen

  • Speech-Language Pathology: A Personal Statement

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    I first discovered speech-language pathology back when I was in high school, in a very unexpected way. I was talking with my grandmother, who had told me she received her Masters degree in Speech-Language Pathology after my father was born. My father has had hearing aids since the age of five, and had to continuously attend speech therapy while growing up. My grandmother told me stories of how she would sit with my father every night, away from his six other siblings, with the lights off and talk

  • Patient Confidentiality In Nursing

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    14486198 Part A According to the Oxford English Dictionary, dignity may be defined as “the state or quality of being worthy of honour or respect.” (2015) Dignity and respect are two of the underpinning values of nursing care. It is highly important to show respect and unconditional positive regard to each and every patient regardless of their culture, race, religion or background. In doing this, it can assist the patient in feeling more comfortable in the care of nurses and hopeful that they will

  • Nursing Bill Of Rights Essay

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    6. Bill of Rights: This topic is taken from module 6.1 of BMN03 of the Ethical Issues in Nursing Practice. It is all about human rights and dignity, that is the patient’s bill of rights, the eight key areas in the bill of rights, the major goals, and uses of the bill of rights, freedoms to be given to the patient, then the evidence-based report on the relationship between ethics and rights. 6.1 Personal context: Personally the patient’s bill of rights includes the laydown guideline that ensures

  • Dorothea Orem's Self Care Deficit Theory

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    Dorothea Orem’s Self-Care deficit theory Dorothea Orem, who was born in the year 1914, was a nursing theorist who had a vast experience in the nursing field. Self-care deficit nursing theory is a grand nursing theory which was set forth by Dorothea Orem in the year 1959 as part of her study to identify under circumstances which required nursing care (Orem, 2001). Orem published her first book in the year 1971 named Nursing : Concepts in practice and continued to release improved editions till 2001

  • Effects Of Swallowing Reflex

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    PHYSIOLOGY Physiological implications The swallowing reflex Laryngeal mask airway insertion is highly successful as a blind technique as it utilizes the normal existing physiological mechanism of swallowing to follow the natural curve and the direction of the upper airway; the inserting finger imitating the tongue’s action in swallowing food. However, swallowing reflex itself must be suppressed for the insertion and then tolerance of the laryngeal mask airway cuff in the pharynx

  • Ears Popping When Swallowing Essay

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    Ears Popping When Swallowing Are your ears popping when swallowing? This may be an annoying problem, but it is usually not a serious one. Unless you have actually damaged your eardrums due to barotrauma, then ear popping may just be due to your body trying to relieve pressure in your ears when you swallow or yawn. You see, sometimes, there is a pressure difference between the outside of your ear drum and the eustachian tube inside. This phenomenon occurs when you are flying or climbing high altitudes

  • Michael Is A Dynamic Character In Swallowing Stones

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    In the novel Swallowing Stones by Joyce McDonald, Michael is struggling internally as a dynamic character. The hardships he is facing are changing his personality and view of other people. The stress and inability to tell people what he did is driving him toward insanity. He is struggling emotionally because he committed manslaughter and cheated on his girlfriend. Michael is struggling internally because he committed manslaughter. The guilt he is feeling inside is overwhelming and hard to keep in

  • Three Characters In Joyce Mcdonald's Swallowing Stone

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    thought was just a little fun turned out to be just about the exact opposite, He had killed a man and there was no going back. Joe, Josh, and Amy, three characters with seemingly minor roles actually portray huge parts that change and effect the book Swallowing Stones by Joyce McDonald. These characters brought out the true colors of Michael and Jenna for better or for worse. Indeed, Joe Sadowski’s role in the book was both meaningful

  • Radiotherapy Research Paper

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    SWALLOWING DISORDERS AFTER HEAD-AND-NECK CANCERS RADIOTHERAPY Summary Introduction: This study aimed to assess the swallowing function of head and neck cancer patients before and after radiotherapy. Materials and methods: A repeated descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out on 33 head and neck cancers patients treated at Aristide LeDantec Hospital Radiation Therapy Department. The dysphagia was assessed through a self-questionnaire (DHI) and a functional swallowing test (COLP - G -FR)

  • Quality Of Life Questionnaire

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    and neck cancer like - The Swallowing Questionnaire Quality of Life Questionnaire (SWAL-QOL and SWAL-CARE) and The MD Anderson Dysphagia Inventory (MDADI). Several screening tests were designed to identify patients with dysphagia following stroke who needed to be referred to speech therapists for detailed assessment. Some of the tests which were

  • The Womb In Titus Andronicus

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    The word womb tends to hold many meanings throughout the play, Titus Andronicus. In a woman’s womb, it is known as the center point of the beginning of a new life. It cares, nurtures, and feed us in the early phase of life. However, there were specific moments in the play, where the womb was symbolized as a dark black hole that consumed up life. Also, this idea as a gaping, devouring organ who swallows up life. From looking upon the OED, ‘Womb’ is defined as “The abdomen or abdominal cavity of a

  • Nt1310 Unit 3 Experimental Studies

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    study. The results are based on the effects of the age, volume, consistency and gender on the duration of the swallowing assessment. The clinical importance of the results showed the difference in timing and how the diameter of the pharynx between male and female can affect the result of swallowing. 1. What did the researchers conclude? Researchers conclude that the are differences in swallowing between male and female, with female having a longer oropharyngeal transit than male for a 5-ml bolus. 2

  • Dysphagia Case Study

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    role and responsibilities of Speech Language Pathologist in rehabilitation of swallowing impairment in these conditions. However, Dysphagia is also prevalent in certain cervical spine disorders such as scoliosis, kyphosis, lordosis, and vertebral

  • The Digestive System: The Digestive System In The Human Body

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    this case, one sphincter opens and makes the oesophagus able to propel food to the stomach by coordinated contractions and relaxations of its muscular lining (peristalsis). After swallowing, the sphincters relax involuntarily to allow drink or food to through from the oral cavity into the stomach. When there is no swallowing action, the muscles would close rapidly to prevent the swallowed food or liquid from leaking out of the stomach back into the oesophagus or into the mouth.

  • Msd Case Studies

    1079 Words  | 5 Pages

    Using the given case study of the patient Jenny, this essay will describe the characteristics of a motor speech disorder (MSD), provide an educated hypothesis based on the existing case information, outline the importance for differential diagnosis and devise an appropriate evidence-based assessment plan with a detailed rationale. Furthermore, the assessment plan has been developed in accordance with the World Health Organisation’s International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health

  • Speech Language Pathologist Interview Paper

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    impressive academic and clinical training and focus on communication and swallowing. As an SLP-A I’ve been working under a supervisor who is well known in the regional area for feeding and communication disorders. Therefore I have been fascinated with what she’s been able to accomplish right in front of my eyes. My innate problem solving skills and impulse to inquire lead me to further my knowledge in feeding and swallowing. I recently attended a seminar hosted by CIAO with guest speaker Melanie

  • Speech Therapist Research Paper

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    adults to treat and help with different levels of speech, communication problems, difficulties eating, drinking and swallowing. They diagnose, treat and help prevent speech and other related disorders such as voice, speech and language disorders. Even though tasks vary, some responsibilities would be: assessing and treating difficulties with communication and swallowing implementing and reviewing treatment plans and analyzing and diagnosing the extent of speech impairments help those