Syracuse, Sicily Essays

  • What Role Did The Sicily Expedition Play In The Peloponnesian War

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    The Sicily Expedition was historically defined as a Athenian military campaing to Sicily in 415-413 BC. Thucydides described this expedition in his «History of the Peloponnesian War» books VI-VII. Thucydides (471-401 BC) the ancient Greek historian and chronicler, his work «History of the Peloponnesian War» is an illustration of Political Realism paradigm and its primary original source. The main ideas of Political Realism concept -states as main actors, anarchy, power, state interest and security

  • Archimedes Accomplishments

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    Archimedes was an Ancient Greek mathematician, engineer, astronomer, physicist, and inventor. Archimedes was born in the port of Syracuse, Sicily in the colony of Magna Graecia (Which was in ancient greece) in the year 287 B.C. Which was also when the romans were in war with Pyrrhus of Epirus. Archimedes was born to astronomer Phidias. Not much is known about his father and his name and profession is known because it was mentioned in one of archimedes’ works “The Sand Reckoner”. It is unknown if

  • Carthage And Rome: The First Punic War

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    power of the world. Sicily at the time was controlled by three groups; Carthage held the western part, the southeastern controlled by the king of Syracuse and the northeastern corner possession by Campanian soldiers who, after serving the king of Syracuse, seized the city of Messana and murdered the inhabitants. The king of Syracuse attacked them and left them under siege. The Campanian soldiers know as Mamertines went to Rome for help. Initially, Rome hesitated due to Syracuse being in good terms

  • Carthage: The Cultural Differences Between Greece And Rome

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    what I can only assume were professional generals, whereas Rome had its military in the hands of the consuls who were forever changing, so there was no continuity in the higher ranks of the Roman legions. Carthage was a major power in Africa and Sicily off the coast of Italy with their trading agreements. They were absolutely the commercial hub of the region, with an extremely powerful navy. This would have put them on a par with Rome in the most powerful empire in the region. Carthage

  • How Did Hannibal Influence Carthage

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    (?) Rome had conquered almost all of Italy and wanted to expand its borders. While Carthage controlled most of Northern Africa, parts of Spain, and several large islands in the Mediterranean, including certain parts of Sicily. In 265, (?) mercenaries inside Messina, a city in Sicily, were besieged

  • Punic Wars Pros And Cons

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    in Sicily. The neighboring city of Syracuse fought back against the mercenaries. Both Carthage and Rome, competitors in trade, were approached for assistance. Rome could not refuse because of their respect for Greek culture and because they could not tolerate an island controlled by Carthage so close to the newly conquered southern Italy. Though the Roman Senate rejected Syracuse's plea for help, the Roman people demanded that action be taken. Both Rome and Carthage sent soldiers to Sicily, causing

  • Carthage And Rome: A Comparative Analysis

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    The First Punic War was the first of three wars between the two powers as they wrestled for dominance in the region. The first war began due to a dispute between Syracuse and Messina on the strategically important island of Sicily, Rome came to the aid of Messina which outraged Carthage who quickly sided with Syracuse and so began over a century of intermittent fighting between the great powers. In conclusion, it is so interesting to see so many similarities and so many differences between

  • Why Is Antonio Gramsci Considered A Movement For Italian Unification

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    Antonio Gramsci, the martyred leader of Italian Communism, provided a clue to this disharmony when he wrote in the early 1930's that the very quantity of interpretations of the Risorgimento was an indication of the "inconsistency and gelatinousness" of the movement itself-of the inner weaknesses of the forces which brought the movement to a successful conclusion and the tenuousness of objectively "national" elements that provide the basic material for the historian. For him, most of these interpretations

  • Argumentative Essay: The Mafia In The 1920's

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    The Mafia are some of America's favorite bad guys. They are the subject of countless television series, movies, and books. When people hear the term Mafia or Mob, they may often think of the violent and ruthless tactics organized crime would use to get what they wanted. What many do not realize is that, from the early to mid-twentieth century, the Mafia’s influence allowed organized crime to have a hand in many aspects of American culture that people still enjoy today. Prohibition arose out of the

  • How Did Archimedes Contribute To Chemistry

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    Archimedes of Syracuse was an Ancient Greek mathematician, physicist, inventor, engineer, and astronomer. He studied at Alexandria in the 3rd century BCE. Although he was an accomplished engineer, his true love was pure mathematics. In fact, he was considered one of the greatest mathematicians of the ancient past. Archimedes not only produced formulas, but also discovered the precise value of pi. Regardless of his important contributions to pure mathematics, he is best remembered for his discovery

  • How Did Napoleon Accomplish By Italian Scientists In 1839

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    Italian scientists in Congress before the unit , Italians were not the first pioneers of the Congress of Italian scientists who were held in various centers of the peninsula between 1839 and 1847. Before you buy over the years an increasing political, in a unified and national sense, the initiative arose and we had developed due to external forces, not exactly 'patriotic'. In proposals made by the English mathematician Charles Babbage and activism of Charles Bonaparte, Prince of Canino, one can

  • The American Mafia By John Gotti

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    The American Mafia is a highly organized society of criminals also known as la cosa nostra, “things of ours”, by the government. The society is also known as the Italian-American Mafia, the American Mafia is anything but fabricated. John Gotti is no where near a humbled plumbing supplies salesman, he had a totally different persona, a dangerous mobster. John Gotti wasn't just any mobster he was the boss of the powerful Gambino crime family located in New York City. John Gotti was an entirely different

  • Carthaginian And Roman Naval Power Essay

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    Carthaginian and Roman naval power Firstly, how do I feel toward venerable Rome and mysterious Carthage? To me, Rome was the cradle of western civilization and a treasure house of archaeological relics. Whereas it had never crossed my mind that those former splendours were just one side of the coin, in fact, by 265 BC, Rome already had enormously strong naval force capable of doing significant damage in ancient wartime. In contrast, its arch-rival, Carthage, it was not only a formidable opponent

  • Cartage Vs Rome

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    At the start of the first Punic War, Carthage was the dominant power of the Western Mediterranean, with an extensive maritime empire. Rome was a rapidly ascending power in Italy, but it lacked the naval power of Carthage. When the wars with Rome began , Carthage was the dominant naval power in the region. The Carthaginians had taken the trireme – the standard naval warship of the age – and improved it. And in order to fight them, Rome, for the first time, built its own fleet. In comparing these two

  • Religion In Mario Puzo's The Godfather

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    To the modern mind, the surrealist Homeric narration of Olympian gods seems odd, because since the middle ages faith has been justified by religious scriptures. Yet, the way Homer managed to link faith with the everyday life of his hero is of great concern in our analysis. In comparison to classical narration, the presence of religion in contemporary world is of a minor importance both in fiction and reality. Being a modern novelist, Mario Puzo personally admitted that he never believed in religion

  • Benito Mussolini Research Paper

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    rise to power allowed the dots connecting the dictator to the Italian Mafia to form. Following World War I, the rising issue of the Sicilian Mafia became pervasive throughout Sicily. Recognizing this threat to his power, he quickly put Cesare Mori, one of his adherents, in charge of purging the Mafia from the streets of Sicily. This was no easy feat, Mafiosi ran rampant throughout Palermo and their bureaucratic leaders maintained an efficient system of eliminating their enemies- assassination. Nonetheless

  • How Did Carthage Replace The Phoenicians?

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    give gifts to maintain the peace. But the ambitions of the Romans caused the Phoenicians to shift their stance. This situation forced the Phoenicians to take up arms and build a land based army (Holst, 2007). The first major loss was the loss of Sicily to Rome in the first Punic War. In preparation for this attack, the Romans copied the designs of Phoenician ships and made their own. This was the beginning of the Roman’s naval ambition. This was a humiliating embarrassment that the Phoenicians did

  • Personal Narrative Essay About Being Italian

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    So I guess I’m Italian. Growing up I saw nothing special about being Italian. Anyone can boil pasta and toss some meatballs in a dish, right? Wrong! There’s just something fascinating about being Italian. And I didn’t realize it until I was in the ninth grade. Starting my first year of high school was as stressful for me as it was for everyone. I wanted to be cool and impress the ladies, you know? I was too cool for my old name, “Joey”. No I wanted to be referred to as “Joe”. That

  • Mafi Organized-Crime Groups In America And Italy

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    The Mafia or “Mafie” is an organized-crime group in America and Italy.The Mafia organization started in Italy after WWII. It started in Sicily. The name Mafia comes from the Italian word “Mafioso.” The word initially was used as a title for people with great authority and then it became a bad name when the Mafia became a powerful and dangerous organization . Before WWII the Mafia groups were small groups of people who were protecting landowners. The groups were private armies who ask for money in

  • Typhon: God Or Monster In Greek Mythology

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    Typhon Storms and volcanoes are what people fear the most. Typhon is the god/monster that controls when these things happen. Typhon is the most feared god/monster in Greek mythology. There are few things on the god/monster Typhon such as his background, culture, religious beliefs and natural occurrences. Typhon has very few facts about him considering that his life was just about battling Zeus but he has much more on his background than people believe he does. Typhon was the youngest son of Gaea/Gaia