The Exorcist Essays

  • Religion In The Exorcist

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    In William Peter Blatty’s novel, The Exorcist, a thirteen year old girl becomes ill. The mother, Chris MacNeil, believes that her daughter is possessed by a demon after doctors are unable to diagnose the child. Mrs. MacNeil seeks help from Father Karras after the doctors tell her to go to a priest. Father Karras, a priest and psychiatrist, declined the idea of performing an exorcism on the girl after Mrs. MacNeil asked him for the favor. Father Karras tried to reason with Mrs. MacNeil that the girl

  • Sacrifice In Rosita Lorca's Don Critobita

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    It’s the epitome that Don Critobita has bought her and now can use her for whatever he likes, and Rosita has no clause to raise, no voice against her master and nowhere to go in that society. She is the pictogram of sacrifice, inner restlessness, slavery, and cruelty of the un-kind Spanish society that it inflicts upon the females. She has no voice of her own, and even if she tries to speak, her voice is subdued by the rules and customs of the society that doesn’t acknowledge such things. Rebellion

  • Exorcist Techniques

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    Sophia: Since movies such as the Exorcist have been engrained in our minds, movies nowadays use their techniques to make the movie memorable. One of these movies that uses these techniques is the movie Insidious. Insidious uses the technique of demonic possessions that causes the viewer to get on edge. The movie is about a young boy, just like in the Exorcist, that is able to leave his body when he is sleeping. While outside his body, spirits especially evil spirits try to take possession of his

  • An Analysis Of Grimm Brother's Rapunzel

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    The Grimm Brother’s “Rapunzel” is arguably the best-known version of the classic story after the Disney version. As fairytales go, Rapunzel does not stray too far from the stereotypical representations of female characters, featuring the good mother, the misrepresented evil witch of a stepmother and the passive princess. Placed into their boxes, and never allowed to change the course of their storyline, these women are denied any form of activity or satisfaction unless their male counterpart allows

  • Essay On The Exorcist

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    that it does not become a mere dim background”. (2009, p. 62) This quote from James Bernard really encapsulates the ways in which films approach their scores, this is shown in the Gothic horror, Dracula (1958) and the 1973 supernatural horror, The Exorcist. In neither film are the soundtracks “mere dim background” noise instead are extremely carefully constructed to heighten the intense horrific nature of both films. However once we look to analyse

  • Symbols In The Exorcist

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    The Exorcist Everyone has different views when it comes to life after death, including the beliefs in ghosts and spirits. In the movie The Exorcist, the vivid scenes and twisted storylines made this movie one of the scariest movies of the seventies. The movie showcases 12 year old Regan’s life once she becomes possessed by the devil himself, and the struggles her mother went through to get her some help. The movie shows many reoccurring motifs throughout the movie, as well as some hidden metaphors

  • Theme Of Dichotomy In The Exorcist

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    The Exorcist In this essay I will be talking about the symbols and their meanings and dichotomies found in the exorcist, as well as some elements of horror I found in the film and my own opinion about the film. The film was directed by William Friedkin and it is based on the novel The Exorcist from 1971. The film The Exorcist is about a mother who is an actor and her daughter who unfortunately has been possessed by the devil himself. It follows them and how the mother is trying to help her and

  • Exorcist Research Paper

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    Now mostly everyone has watched the exorcist, it's one of the classics, but there are reasons why the Exorcist is one of the most well-known horror movies. When the movie first came out into theaters, no one had ever watched something so horrifying and disgusting as it. There was an incident where a person sued the Warner Bros. because he became so repulsed by the movie that he passed out and his his head on the seat in front of him which lead him to break his jaw. Also, a person in San Francisco

  • The Exorcist Film Analysis

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    One of the best usage of sound design as a tool of storytelling has to be in the first sequence of The Exorcist. As a horror movie, which as a genre builds itself on the vicarious experience it provides, uses more complex patterns of sound design templates to enhance the adventure of watching the movie. Throughout the first scene, Ken Nagle lays what the audience will be the experiencing through the duration of the movie with sound design; the duel between good and evil. The Exorcist’s first sequence

  • Argumentative Essay On Blue Exorcist

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    Blue Exorcist Don’t blame people for disappointing you, blame yourself for expecting too much from them. I agree with the quote because usually when I ask someone to do something, they most likely do it not to my likely. I wouldn’t call it wrong because that is the right way for them. It would be easier for you to do the job that to rely on someone else. For example, if you want to make a card for someone and had the cut-outs and you wanted your friend to cut on the bold lines, and not the dotted

  • A Short Story: The Fallen Angel And The Fallen Angel

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    “Promise you’ll keep him safe,” exclaimed Calvin’s mother. Calvin’s father nodded while holding baby Calvin. The exorcist chanted many biblical lines and finally yelled, “DISPERSE.” Calvin’s mother howled in pain, she turned to dust and the wind carried it away. The exorcist muttered, “Go back where you came from, fallen angel.” With furious eyes, the exorcist turned around and faced Calvin’s father, “You and your son will suffer worse pain than she did!” Calvin all swaddled in blankets, started

  • Ritual Of Exorcism In Christianity

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    anyone regardless of their religious convictions, Jewish, pagan or otherwise, could receive an exorcism. Generally speaking, exorcisms were by no means rare in Jesus’ time and there were numerous individuals who performed them. However, unlike other exorcists, Jesus is reported as being both feared and respected by the demons that allegedly possess individuals.

  • Character Analysis Of Jack Torrance In 'The Shining'

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    In The Shining the main human body that becomes a source of horror is Jack Torrance. He is a more complicated issue than Regan. In a way, he is already dangerous from the start of the novel. One could argue even before the novel as his violent history such as the breaking of his own child's arm and the beating up of a schoolboy. He seems to be a complicated, human character, neither bad nor good, who struggles with drinking and domestic abuse. Yet, in the beginning of the novel, he quit drinking

  • Exorcism In The 18th Century

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    Person performing the exorcism known as exorcist. He or she might be a priest, shaman, or an individual thought to be adorned with special powers and skills. At the meantime, the practice of exorcism has reduced in its importance to most religious groups and its use has decreased. In Christianity, the person who perform

  • Argumentative Essay About Demons

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    clean out the evil of the world, losing many and much in result.  An example of an animated serie could be "The Blue Exorcist" (Ao No Exorcist, in Japanese). Where the protagonist, Rin is a demon. He is the son of Satan, the most powerful demon and a beautiful mortal woman. He wields the blue flames of Satan, but does not seek revenge on the humans, instead he becomes an Exorcist; those who drive away evil spirits to help save the world from his cruel father,

  • Essay On Exorcism In Nicaragua

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    two toddlers and one eight-month-old baby until they died, AFP reports in October. Tun Naing, the uncle of the boy who died, said the exorcist made them drink “blessed” water and made them form a circle while the ritual was being performed. Naing told the AFP that the villagers were “out of their mind” at that time and did not understand what was happening. The exorcist was later charged with murder, grievous bodily harm, and hiding a corpse. He was jailed in Insein prison over the said

  • Demonic Possession Research Paper

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    Demonic possessions as mental illnesses have been proceeded as a controversial topic. Out of 488 people 77% of them believe that people can be possessed by anything, whether if it is a demon or some type of unnatural spirit (). Many movies such as The Exorcist and The Rite have portrayed demonic possessions and exorcisms in dark but unnatural light that still speaks fear into our mind (Levack). Many people, who were believed to be possessed by a demon or spirits, have been sought to be diagnosed with Dissociative

  • Angry Biker-Far Out Man Analysis

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    portrayed by Michael Berryman, a writer who enjoys snacking on sandwiches and watching one of the other residents Tina, a mute ballerina, who spends her time provocatively dancing while she gets both dressed and undressed. Teenage Exorcist (1991) – Herman- Teenage Exorcist is a horror comedy film that tells the story of Diane, a straight laced college graduate student, who rents a creepy old house from a realtor, Herman, portrayed by Michael Berryman. Unfortunately, a demon lives in the house 's

  • Lavi's Argumentative Essay

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    Lavi is a Bookman in training and an exorcist, meaning he possesses several powers and abilities. eidetic memory | Both naturally intelligent and highly trained, Lavi has a photographic memory. He identifies one real key from hundreds of counterfeits in minutes only using his one eye and provides comprehensive details of past occurrences. education | As a Bookman 's apprentice, Lavi has a vast arrange of general knowledge. medicine | He has been formally taught and practiced first aid as well as

  • Why People Appear In Horror Movies

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    was arrested for a road rage incident in which he repeatly punched two cyclists following a road rage incident. He received a suspended sentence and was forced to pay compensation for the victims as well as attend anger management classes. 12 The Exorcist - Linda