United States presidential election, 2008 Essays

  • Hillary Clinton Pros And Cons

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    On drug issues, she supports the legalization of marijuana, and wants to give states more resources to deal with the “opioid epidemic” and says that “We have to move away from treating the use of drugs as a crime and instead, move it to where it belongs, as a health issue,” (“Hillary Clinton on Drugs”). Clinton has always supported

  • Plight Of Women And Children In Emmanuel Dongala's Johnny Mad Dog

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    In Emmanuel Dongala’s, Johnny Mad Dog, we see the significant factors of the plight of women and children in civil war situations. Throughout the world today, we see this mostly in the Middle East and in African countries. Like in the novel, many of these wars are caused by political debates, or for no reason at all. Like described in Johnny Mad Dog, militia fighters kill to kill no matter race, religion, ethnicity or gender. There usually is no reasoning behind any of the killings, but the main

  • Argumentative Essay About Polygamy

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    Polygamy, according to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, is defined as a “marriage in which a spouse of either sex may have more than one mate at the same time”. Polygamy is described as a Godly or “celestial” marriage in some religions. The main religions that practice polygamous marriages are Muslim and Mormons. Although the Mormons rejected the idea of polygamy in 1890, there are still some sects of the Mormon church that believe it is the Holiest marriage (Jared). The biggest argument that follows

  • The Negative Impact Of Unemployment In Youth

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    Introduction: Unemployment generally defined as the number of persons who are willing to work for the current wage rates in society but not employed currently. Unemployment reduces the long run growth potential of the economy. When the situation arises where there are more other resources for the production and no man power leads to wastage of economic resources and lost output of goods and services and this has a great impact on government expenditure directly (Clark, 2003). High unemployment causes

  • Martin Luther King I Have A Dream Speech Rhetorical Analysis

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    More than 50 years ago, Martin Luther King held the memorable speech “I have a dream”. His impressive rhetoric demanded racial justice, which became a basis for subsequent generations of black Americans. His words have later been used to achieve a better understanding of the social and political upheaval at the time. The main point of the speech is that all people are created equal and although not the case in America at the time, Martin Luther King felt that it should be the case in the future

  • Why Democracy Matters John Stewart Speech Analysis

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    The ideology of an idyllic society based on equality as well as democratic principles has long been synonymous with a righteous government. But the consequences of this aspiration for a utopian society has begun to show in countries where democracy as a political system has been implemented in the immediate wake of wars and instability. In the speech “Why Democracy Matters”, which was held in the historic Banqueting House, Whitehall, in London on the 22nd of June 2012, the British member of parliament

  • Circle Justice In The Ghost Of Spirit Bear

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    Did you know that Circle Justice is practiced in Minnesota and in other Midwestern states? In Ghost of Spirit Bear, Cole still gets involved with the Circle. The theme in Touching Spirit Bear is to not blame others for your actions and to forgive the ones you have hurt and finding the bright side in life. “The sky, this stick, hot dogs, life, it’s all the same. It’s what you make of it. What you focus on becomes reality. Everybody carries anger inside. But also happiness.” -pg. 145 On the other

  • Advantages And Disadvantages Of Totalitarianism

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    Totalitarian states and Liberal Democratic states, are two different types of government. Totalitarianism is a form of state in which the state holds sovereignty, and typically is run by a dictator. The Totalitarian system is centralised and a single person or party has complete authority, and disagreement is forbidden. Liberal Democratic state is a type of regime where the people of the state vote to elect leaders who act on their behalf. The system is based on the recognition of individual rights

  • Argument On Imperialism

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    influence. Historically, in The United States, an imperialistic mindset is perceivable in the popular concept of manifest destiny. Again, in 1823, The United States seeks to exude international influence in publishing The Monroe Doctrine. This document is later used as reasoning to invade territories. Evidently, imperialism was intertwined within the mindsets of many Americans. The idea of growing a continental nation expanded into international affairs. With The United States becoming involved in over-seas

  • Rhetorical Analysis Of The President George Washington's Farewell Address

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    systems, the importance of religion and morality, warnings against forming a permanent foreign alliance, and a powerful military. George Washington has an overwhelming reputation by his military service, his position as our first president of the United States of America, and by leaving his position in office by leaving behind his Farewell Address to give present and future Americans insight on the history of our country and what it’s known for. It’s well encouraged to research what American history

  • Rihanna Swot Analysis

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    A brief history of the entrepreneur: Robyn Rihanna Fenty (better known as Rihanna) was born on the 20th of February 1988 in Barbados. She is the eldest of three children who were born into a family were drug and alcohol abuse was prevalent. Rihanna turned to singing to release the stress of her family life which became worse after her parents’ divorce. At a very young age of 16 she was signed to Def Jam records and started producing and releasing music hereafter. Despite Rihanna’s harsh family life

  • Compare And Contrast Imperialism

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    expansionism was happening, the US annexed many different US states. Imperialism wasn’t like this. We did not want to annex the countries but make them an economic and a military interest. Finally, imperialism is not a continuation of american expansionism because of the technological advancements in the era. They created many different transportation to boost trade and military power and created new weapons to demonstrate the United States military power. American expansionism’s name is what it is

  • Summary Of Goldman Sachs: Power And Peril

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    Goldman Sachs: Power and Peril I am strongly agree with the action of SEC. The main problem of any financial and banking firm is Asymmetric Information (Adverse Selection and Moral Hazard). Adverse Selection is the risk before the money transaction while Moral Hazard is risk after money transaction. But before going directly into subject, we will understand the element involve in the case. The main role of SEC is to ensure that the stock markets operate in such a direction that it will create fair

  • Robert Frost Speech

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    Robert Frost was born in San Francisco on March 26, 1974. Frost, his mother Isabelle, and his sister Jeanie all eventually settled in New England [after the death of his father]. Ultimately, Frost ended up with lots of vocational experience. Alongside being an established poet and a writer, Frost had experience as a teacher, reporter, millworker, and farmer. However nothing is more synonymous with the name Robert Frost than his poem “The Road Not Taken” (O'Neill 12-15). “The Road Not Taken” is not

  • Identity In My Mother's Food

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    Everyone has been teased at some point in their lives. When this happens, we can be tempted to act differently than how you usually do. This happens in Dreams from Father by Barack Obama, Sixth Grade by Sandra Wallace, and My Mother’s Food by Nora Keller. In Dreams From Father, the narrator, Barack Obama, is an African-American who goes to a new school, but it very different compared to his classmates due to his ethnicity, which causes challenges for him, like being teased. From Sixth Grade, the

  • Media Bias

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    Since television news became popular in the 1950’s and 1960’s, it has become a huge influence on the public’s opinion of certain groups, politicians, and policies. Televised news interviews and debates run by opposing media conglomerates portray candidates a certain way, and this effects the public’s perception of them. This has gone on since the famous Richard Nixon vs. John F. Kennedy debate on September 26, 1960. Today, the liberal news stations present the democratic candidates, such as Hillary

  • The Economic Tension In Upton Sinclair's The Jungle

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    Upton Sinclair portrays the economic tension in the United States during the late 19th and early 20th centuries through his novel “The Jungle”. He used the story of a Lithuanian immigrant, Jurgis Rudkus, to show the harsh situation that immigrants had to face in the United States, the unsanitary and unsafe working conditions in the meatpacking plants, as well as the tension between the capitalism and socialism in the United States during the early 1900s. In the late 19th century and early 20th centuries

  • Essay On Violence In Rap Music

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    violence in rap music. Although many people object to violence in rap, the lyrics are simply a Do you believe that the lyrics in rap music influences the violence in the ghetto today? Our opinions may be different, but I feel as if I can change your mind about how you view manifestation of the violence that goes on in the streets and neighborhoods of America. Rap music is merely a reflection of its environment, and must not be pinpointed as the root of increasing violence in american society. (salem)

  • Analysis Of Gone With The Wind

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    ‘Gone with the Wind’ is an American epic historical romance film produced in 1939. It was based on the 1936 Pulitzer – winning novel of Margaret Mitchell. The story is set in Clayton County, Georgia and Atlanta during the American Civil War in the 1860s. This period is also known as Reconstruction Era. Originally, the name of the novel is ‘Tomorrow is Another Day’, according to the sentence ending story. However, the author chose the term ‘gone with the wind’ from a poem of Ernest Dowson, ‘Non Sum

  • Essay On Women Violations In Iran

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    The Violation of Women’s Rights in Iran Although inequality seems to be a concern of the past, it is still a major issue for women that currently live in Iran. Iran is currently recognized as a traditional country rather than a modern one. For decades women have struggled against inequality and continue to struggle with it today. With the many laws that are enforced, “every aspect of their existence - from how they must dress in public, to the subjects they can study at a university and the job they