Vigna Essays

  • Jumping Bean Beetle Lab Report

    545 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Jumping Bean Beetles! The Jumping bean beetles experiment was done to study the oviposition in bean beetles, and whether it is based on the heritage of the bean beetle. The study consisted of two different types of beans and several mung raised bean beetles. Bio Lab 113 Dr. T. Hendrickson Nathan Jay Introduction The purpose of The Jumping Bean Beetle study is to test the hypothesis that Bean beetles’ oviposition is determined by the bean beetles’ birth place. Bean beetles, Callosobruchus

  • Fruit Fly Lab Report

    947 Words  | 4 Pages

    This experiment was conducted to determine whether or not Callosobruchus maculatus, or bean beetles, had a bean color preference for oviposition choice. Oviposition is the process of a female insect laying her eyes on plant parts and other materials, which can be influenced by many factors. The bean beetle eggs are opaque and clear, which allowed us to test the hypothesis that C. maculatus prefer the darker red Adzuki beans over the white Black-eyed peas for oviposition choice. Two different colored

  • Oviposition Behavior Lab Report

    735 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Oviposition Choices Over Mung Beans, Adzuki Beans, And Black-Eyed Peas By Female Bean Beetles Raised From Mung Beans And From Black-Eyed Peas Abstract: Female bean beetles make a choice of where to oviposit their eggs because their oviposition choices influence the survival of their offspring. The question was which beans female bean beetles would prefer to oviposit eggs on. This experiment aimed to determine the preference of oviposition choice by female bean beetles that were raised from mung

  • Comparing Dante's Juxtaposition Between Himself And Pier Della Vigna

    1139 Words  | 5 Pages

    juxtaposition between himself and Pier della Vigna, a pitiable soul condemned to the second tier of hell for committing suicide. Both men come from strikingly similar histories, but when further examined, the roads they took explain their difference. Depicted as an upstanding man of high honor, della Vigna is shown as a character that is nearly impossible not to feel sympathy for. Punished for rebelling against God’s planned time for him, della Vigna and the rest of the sinners in circle 7 will

  • Harpies In Dante's Inferno

    1493 Words  | 6 Pages

    location designated for the punishment of those who have committed acts of violence against themselves and individuals who have taken their own lives. In this section, Dante is introduced to a number of significant individuals, among them Pier della Vigna, a former counselor to Emperor Frederick II, and Lano and Jacopo da Sant'Andrea, two brothers who met their demise in a violent altercation. The Wood of Thorns" presents a remarkable portrayal, and its significance encompasses various aspects.

  • Pancreas Feasibility Study

    4395 Words  | 18 Pages

    CHAPTER 1 THE PROBLEM AND ITS SCOPE INTRODUCTION The pancreas is a glandular organ in the upper abdomen, it is considered into two glands and have different of action, these are the endocrine and exocrine gland. In the endocrine part it is responsible for the production of hormones in the so-called islets of Langerhans. In the islets it contains endocrine cells which produce specific cells called an Alpha cell which is responsible for the release of the hormone glucagon, the Beta cells which releases

  • Phosphorus In Plant Essay

    1487 Words  | 6 Pages

    1. Introduction Phosphorus (P) is vital for the growth of plants and is the second major macro-element after nitrogen, which limits plant growth (Gyaneshwar et al., 2002). Most of the soluble inorganic phosphate is applied annually to the soil as a chemical fertilizer, which is immobilized quickly and again becomes inaccessible to plants. Hence, the lower amount of soluble P in soil is one of the limiting factors for agronomic crop production. Fertilizers (microbial inoculant) offer a solution, as

  • Sins Of The Damned In Dante's Inferno

    594 Words  | 3 Pages

    Those unlucky souls who were cast into the seventh circle of Hell were sentenced there because of the sin of violence. However, the sin was further broken down into three categories: those violent against others, themselves, or God. The violent against themselves were guilty of suicide, while those guilty of violence against others were condemned for sodomy or usury. The reason these seemingly unrelated sins were grouped together by Dante is that they were seen as going against what was natural.

  • Callosobruchus Maculatus Case Study

    407 Words  | 2 Pages

    Callosobruchus maculatus, a commonly known species of bean beetles, are found in the tropical areas of Africa and Asia. The body of the species is about 3 – 4.5 mm long, reddish-brown colored with black marks on the prothorax and elytra. Typically, the females are larger and darker than the males. The larvae of the species feed on the seeds of legumes such as mung and black-eyed peas. Callosobruchus maculatus exhibits two adult forms; sedentary and dispersal (Beck & Blumer, 2014). The dispersal form

  • Annotated Bibliography: Life Cycle Of A Seed Plant

    1252 Words  | 6 Pages

    (2014). Cell cycle control and seed development. Frontiers in Plant Science, 5. Eskandari, H. (2012). Seed quality changes in cowpea (Vigna sinensis) during seed development and maturation. Seed Science and Technology, 40(1), 108-112. Larios, E., Búrquez, A., Becerra, J., & Lawrence Venable, D. (2014). Natural selection on seed size through the life cycle of a desert annual plant. Ecology

  • How Does Biased Media Affect Democracy

    662 Words  | 3 Pages

    To what degree do partisan media affect democracy? On its face, the effect of the biased press would appear limitless, given that it attracts a multitude of the audience. Television interviews, political discussions, and expert opinions from various media outlets have regularly practice brown envelope journalism with the aim of receiving monetary inducements. Diverse media platforms continue to add more partisan messages through publication and reporting of centrist news. Evidence for a causal relationship

  • Violence In Dante's Inferno

    805 Words  | 4 Pages

    Understanding how to confront life 's problems is something that humans have had difficulty navigating throughout the generations of their lives. Some people refer to religious text in order to help them understand or cope, others refer to their own, personal morals. A way people are coping with problems with greater infamy in society is through acts of violence, whether it is a person causing harm to themselves or a person causing harm to others. Violence is something most prominent religions within

  • Django Unchained: Film Analysis

    917 Words  | 4 Pages

    Introduction: Violence has been wild spread through difference kind of media. Both non-fiction and fiction media source do a great source to the society and someone claim that the violence through media will do great effect to our society, especially to teen. Through this assignment, I would use movie as the main focus source to discuss the movie’s violent affection to the society and the hate crime/violence within the movie. As the movie selection, I would use “Django Unchained (the 2012 version)”

  • Essay On General Lee

    889 Words  | 4 Pages

    The Civil War was a time of great change and strife for America. The Union was making an effort to stomp out the last of the rebellion the Confederates had created. In one of the first major battles of the Civil War, the Battle of Chancellorsville, a surprising outcome occurred and allowed for a change in the morale of the Confederates. Major General Joseph Hooker of the Union and General Robert E. Lee of the Confederates were both fighting to gain initiative and morale for their soldiers. The leader

  • Afterlife In The Odyssey

    2073 Words  | 9 Pages

    Let’s explore the afterlife in the Odyssey, Aeneid, and Inferno. In the book the Odyssey, Odysseus goes into the afterlife to find his way back home. In the book Aeneid, Aeneas goes into the afterlife to talk to his father. In the book Inferno, Dante goes on a journey with guide Virgil through hell. Each of these books have their own take on the afterlife. Each character meets a familiar face in the afterlife. When Odysseus arrived at the Kingdom of the Dead he runs into Elpenor one of his fallen