Oviposition Behavior Lab Report

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The Oviposition Choices Over Mung Beans, Adzuki Beans, And Black-Eyed Peas By Female Bean Beetles Raised From Mung Beans And From Black-Eyed Peas
Abstract: Female bean beetles make a choice of where to oviposit their eggs because their oviposition choices influence the survival of their offspring. The question was which beans female bean beetles would prefer to oviposit eggs on. This experiment aimed to determine the preference of oviposition choice by female bean beetles that were raised from mung beans and black-eyed peas over mung beans, adzuki beans, and black-eyed peas. Two experimental samples were designed at a constant temperature, one sample with female bean beetles raised from mung beans, and the other sample with female bean beetles raised from balck-eyed peas. We hypothesized that bean beetles …show more content…

This experiment helped to address the oviposition behavior of two different types of female bean beetles at the same condition. The purpose was to determine whether female bean beetles would prefer to oviposit in beans where they are raised from, which would explain the ovipositon behavior of bean beetles in nature. After the oviposition behavior experiment was performed for a week, the hypothesis was not supported. It showed that one sample of female bean beetles raised from mung beans had 160 eggs on mung beans, 93 eggs on adzuki beans, and 54 eggs on black-eyed peas and the other sample of female bean beetles raised from black-eyed peas had 155 eggs on mung beans, 144 eggs on adzuki beans, and 123 eggs on black-eyed peas. The findings were considered to be a T test, which gave p value of 0.151. This experiment implicated that oviposition choices of female bean beetles over the three different types of beans