What Impact Does Gmo Have On The Environment Essay

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To begin GMOs have an impact on the environment in various ways. To introduce the impact it has it is essential to understand what a GMO is. A GMO is a genetically modified organism that is used to create “plant” or crops” that are virus and insect resistant and anything that is resistant has risks . First, GMOs seeds are planted in the same fields as normal seeds hence replacing them, which leaves the fields as non natural because GMOs are engineered by scientists. Non altered seeds have been used for generations upon generations of farmers to grow crops. They are natural and are not resistant to anything, so they welcome organisms, bees, butterflies that pollinate the crops. Bees are already endangered by our modern agriculture technology …show more content…

Pests are huge problem to agriculture that can have minor damage if controlled but if not it destroy big fields of crops. Withe GMOs being resistant they cannot do that but the thing about pests is that overtime they adapt and become stronger, harder to prevent hence they can now eat the GMO crops. Therefore its resistance and it will be easier for these pests to eat normal plants because GMOs in a way evolved them. Secondly GMOs are created to survive in our modern day agriculture but if this was to change to whole different system, GMOs would die out while normal crops will adapt to the change. Finally like I said before GMO seeds when planted replace normal seeds. The normal seeds do a great deal of work in the soil through their roots which provide nutrients and release their own toxins to avoid bacteria in the soil, and overtime the fields improve to grow crops better. By GMOs replacing normal seeds all of this is lost and GMOs will not provide them, therefore the soil becomes dry and has no nutrients and toxins keeping away bacteria helping it. With the soil now being dry, GMOs will not be able to grow, as a result pesticides, and fertilizers created chemically are used to help them