How Does Monsanto Maintain Ethical Culture

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Monsanto does not maintain ethical culture effectively with their stakeholders. Monsanto has a lot to work on; first they need to continue to be responsible and accountable for everything they have done. Many unethical practices and wrong doing has occurred in the past. Monsanto has to make sure ethics and doing the right thing is a big part in the company and its success. Also, having good people who work there feel the same way will maintain that atmosphere. I think they are trying, but it takes time and patience. Stakeholders are very concerned, this is the time Monsanto steps up and show they can be trusted. Trust has to be rebuilt, which takes time. I think about Integrity while reading this case, I feel that it was lost within Monsanto. …show more content…

Some Gm crops have a higher nutrient content. Some GM foods have been adjusted to be more impervious to insects and pests. The population is growing fast and land is scarce for growing GM foods, because it’s used for housing instead. GM foods can grow in many areas because of this issue, including areas where weather can be poor, good, or severe. GM crops require less time, which can lower pollution of the environment. Farmers are able to have more sustainable income for other important things. Having higher production from GM foods make cost lower and allows for food prices to go down as well. That’s the good, there is also and downside when it comes to GM crops. Safety is a big concern when it comes to health for human beings and the effects on the environment. Having an herbicide placed and a seed and being expected to eat ford from this seed sounds scary. Monsanto doesn’t know if there is a long term health effects because of this. The EPA feels glyphosate; an ingredient in Roundup is safe within recommended doses. But, World Health Organization thinks this ingredient can possibly cause cancer. Also, amphibians, birds, and insects can be