Viola Spolin Essays

  • Stella Adler Research Paper

    842 Words  | 4 Pages

    Hardworking, creative and committed would best describe the performer and director, Stella Adler. Stella Adler is best known for her work in theatre, acting and creating her own theater called “Stella Adler Theatre Studio”. You could say when Adler was born on February 10th 1901, she was meant to act because she started preforming at the age of 4. As a teen she starred in many productions throughout the U.S, Europe and South America which led to her career. When she was around 30 years old she was

  • Cello History

    493 Words  | 2 Pages

    cello’s history, I finally realized something. The structure of the cello has changed massively from the 5th century BC, to the 19th century. The early ancestor of the cello is the viola da gamba, which first appeared in Europe in the late 15th century. The viola da gamba’s structure is similar to the cello’s. The viola da gamba have a, “... flat back and sloping shoulders. Its fingerboard was fretted like that of a guitar and its bow held with an underhand grip… between five and seven stings, with

  • Personal Essay: My Love Of Hip Hop Music

    1649 Words  | 7 Pages

    Music is a universal language as it is accepted by the whole world even though some of us might not understand the physical language of the music that they are listening to. There are a variety of music genres for people to choose ranging from pop, rock, bop, techno, swing, rhythm and blues, hip hop, folk music, and many others including my personal favourite, jazz. Being the only daughter in the family with more male cousins than females had made my music preference a little bit different from

  • Viola In The Twelfth Night

    939 Words  | 4 Pages

    The movie She’s the Man, Viola dresses up as her brother Sebastian in order to prove that she is good enough to play on the boys soccer team. In the play, The Twelfth Night Viola dresses up as a boy in order to get a job for Duke Orsino. In the movie She’s the Man Viola’s soccer team gets cut due to not enough girls wanting to play. Leading her to wanting to join the boys soccer team. The coach for the team says that girls aren’t capable of playing on the boys team. So, she dresses up as her brother

  • Concert Review Of The Non 49 By Tchaikovsky

    973 Words  | 4 Pages

    This performance was in the auditorium of my high school, New Providence High School. My sister plays the violin and has been playing for almost her whole life.The principal performers included assortments of string instruments, including violin, viola, cello, and bass. Also, there was an assortment of brass instruments such as trumpets, french horns, and trombones. The entire woodwind family was included in this performance as well. Although, the use of percussion instruments and the piano was extremely

  • Theatre Listening Analysis

    1947 Words  | 8 Pages

    To begin devising any piece of theatre the first ingredient added must be listening. When a group of individuals come together to make a piece of theatre, the piece they produce maybe one cohesive collaborative production. However, the contributions made to the piece came from each individual actors training, background, own personal experience, likes, dislikes etcetera. A different group of people would have made and entirely different piece of theatre. Now how did this group of individuals come

  • Saturday Night Live: The Benefits Of Improvisational Theatre

    1531 Words  | 7 Pages

    In a world where daily stress and difficulty are commonplace, a convenient escape is in demand. To remedy this, people around the world have turned to comedic entertainment. A very popular field of this entertainment is improvisational theatre, often referred to as improv. Here, performers use quick wit, innovative thinking, and rapid response to draw out roaring laughter from the masses. It seems that this branch of comedic performance is only growing in popularity (Love 30). In fact, the long running